End Anxious Thoughts In 4 Easy Steps

After having visited my site I can almost imagine what your repetitive anxious thought might be.

Maybe it’s a fear of:

  • -a panic attack
  • -never being free of general anxiety
  • -a bodily sensation that worries you
  • -a fear of losing control to anxiety

My name is Barry McDonagh and I have successfully taught thousands of people in over 30 different countries, how to end general anxiety and panic attacks.

Whatever your particular fear is, I want to share some tips and techniques with you over the coming days that will not only help you end these fears but also reduce your general anxiety level dramatically.

After many years of coaching people to be anxiety free, I have noticed that those who experience panic attacks or general anxiety almost always deal with the frequent occurrence of anxious thoughts.

Anxiety has a sneaky way of seeding doubt regardless of whether the fear is rational or irrational.

So what can be done for people who suffer from repetitive anxious thoughts?

To begin, lets look at how an anxious thought is powered and then I will demonstrate how to quickly eliminate the intensity of the thought.

Say for example you are going about your daily business when an anxious thought enters your mind.

Whatever the nature of the thought, the pattern that follows is usually quite predictable.

The anxious thought flashes briefly in your awareness and as it does so you immediately react with fear as you contemplate the thought. The fearful reaction you have to the thought then sends a shock-wave through your nervous system. You feel the result of that fear most intensely in your stomach (due to the amount of nerve endings located there).

Because of the intense bodily reaction to the thought you then get sucked into examining the anxious thought over and over.

The continuous fearful reaction you have to the thought, increases the intensity of the experience. The more you react, the stronger the thought rebounds again in your awareness creating more anxious shock-waves throughout your body. This is the typical cycle of anxious thoughts.

For some it feels like the anxious thoughts are hijacking their peace of mind.

Because of the reaction you are having, you may continue to spend the rest of your day thinking about the anxious thoughts you experienced.

“Why am I thinking these thoughts?” “Why can’t I shake off this eerie feeling?”

The harder you try not to think about it, the more upset you become. It is like telling someone

‘Whatever happens do not think of a pink elephant’.

Naturally enough it’s all they can think about. That’s the way our brains our wired.

So how can you eliminate these unwanted anxious thoughts?

To begin with:

  • -when you start to experience anxious thoughts, it is very important not to force the thoughts away.

Let the thoughts in. The more comfortable you can become with them, the better. These thoughts will never go away fully but what you can learn is to change your reaction to them.

By changing your reaction to the anxious thoughts you become free of them.

Once you establish a new way of reacting to the thoughts it does not matter if you have them or not. Your reaction is what defines the whole experience (and that applies to almost everything).

Everybody experiences fleeting thoughts that many would consider scary or crazy. The difference between most people and somebody who gets caught up in them, is that the average person sees them for exactly what they are, fleeting anxious thoughts, and casually ignores them.

The anxious person is at a disadvantage as they already have a certain level of anxiety in their system. The thoughts easily spark feelings of further anxiety which builds into a cycle of fear. You break the cycle by changing how you react to the fearful thought.

Here is an example of how to approach this:

You are enjoying the way your day is going but then all of sudden a fearful thought comes to mind.

Before you would react with anxiety to the idea and then try to force that thought out of your mind.

This time, however, say:

“That’s a fear of X. I could worry and even obsess over that but this time I’m going to do something different. I’m not going to react to it. I’m also not going to try and stop it either. I’m just going to label the thought and not react.”

Then the thought comes again with more intensity and possibly with new ‘scary’ angles you never considered. When this happens you do exactly the same. As if you were observing a cloud passing overhead, you simply

  • -Observe it,
  • -Label it (fear of whatever), then
  • -Watch it as it passes by with no judgment.


  • -Move your attention on to what you were doing.

Observe, Label, Watch, Move on

See the anxious thought for what it really is: -one of the thousands of fleeting sane and insane thoughts every one of us experiences daily.

If you are a more indoors type of person then instead of thinking of the thoughts like clouds passing in the sky, you might try imagining a large cinema screen and the anxious thoughts are projected out onto the screen in front of you. Play around with this approach. Find what works for you.

The key thing to remember is to:

Observe, Label, Watch, Move on

By practicing this approach you gradually stop reacting with fear to the thought and you learn to treat it as nothing more than an odd peculiarity.

When you are at a stage where you are comfortable doing the above exercise and you feel you are making good progress, then try this additional step:

Actually invite one of your more regular fearful thoughts in.

Call the fear to you, say you just want it to come close so you can observe it.

It may seem like the last thing you would wish to bring upon yourself, as you don’t particularly enjoy these thoughts but this approach can be very empowering. You are now calling the shots. You actually invited the issue in.

By doing this you are discharging the dense vibration of fear surrounding the anxious thought. That fear was sustaining itself on your resistance, -the idea that you could not handle these thoughts.

The fear quickly evaporates when you turn around and say “yes of course I can handle these thoughts.”

Fear intensifies when we pull away from it. Anxious thoughts become a mental tug of war if we struggle with them.

It is the mental struggle of pulling against the anxious thoughts that creates the inner psychological tension.

The inner tension is fueled by thoughts like:

  • “I can’t handle to think about this -please go away”
  • “I don’t like that thought- I want it to stop!”

Take a different stance. Invite anxious thoughts in. Willingly sit with them, label them and do your very best not to react.

Yes, it does take practice but very soon you find yourself in a unique position of control. You are no longer a victim of fearful thinking but a decision maker in what you will or will not be concerned about.

As with every technique there is always a level of practice involved in the beginning. Initially you start observing but then suddenly get anxious about the fearful thought. That’s very normal in the beginning.

Keep at it. Practice and you will quickly see how less impacting those fearful thoughts become.

Do not let your mind trick you into believing that your anxiety is something you will always have to struggle with. That is simply not true.

Not alone is it possible to control the occurrence of anxious thoughts but I can teach you how to end panic attacks and general anxiety if that is your goal.

You can have the life of your dreams. Anxiety does not have the right to steal that hope from you.

I’m going to e-mail you my mini series. It will help reduce anxiety levels significantly.

Some of this information forms a small part of the Panic Away Program. My full program eliminates panic attacks and general anxiety very quickly and has proved highly successful with both long and short term sufferers of anxiety. The results speak for themselves.

To Learn more about Panic Away visit: www.PanicAway.com

Here are some of the things you will learn from Panic Away…

  • -Learn how to be empowered and gain confidence by engaging a simple technique to defuse any panic attack.
  • -The four most powerful approaches to creating an enduring anxiety buffer zone (particularly useful for those who experience GAD).<
  • -Learn to avoid making the one mistake almost everyone makes during a panic attack episode.

Here is a small sample of how the course has helped others:

…learned more from reading your program than I did from all the psychologists and other practitioners I had seen in the 25 years

I must tell you that out of all the items you can purchase regarding anxiety related products on the internet, I learned more from reading your program than I did from all the psychologists and other practitioners I had seen in the 25 years that I’ve had this condition.

I had been on Xanax and Klonopin for about 10 years, but this December, I decided to withdraw from it thinking I didn’t need the pills anymore according to some of the programs I ordered claiming “miracle cures”. That’s when all my symptoms started again. I felt as if I had wasted the past 20 years trying to get better.That’s when I started searching the web for home based “cures”. I ordered so many programs I started to get confused from too much conflicting advice. Also, I was promised support but I am still waiting replies from some of the more expensive programs!

You are a true gentleman, and I am going to post a very positive feedback on a website you might be familiar about called: Tapir?

Talk to ya, Andy








…I prayed to God to show me what to do

I experienced my first panic attack in July of this year and ended up going to the hospital by ambulance thinking I was having a stroke or heart attack! I have had a bunch of attacks since then. Monday morning I awoke to an immediate attack and prayed to God to show me what to do. To make a long story short, I was led to your website but was afraid it was like the other ones where they try to sell you their products. However, your introductory information really spoke to me and I decided to take a chance. I read your book and it gave me the tools I was searching for to deal with my attacks.

I could tell immediately that you have suffered from panic attacks yourself because you spoke with authority that can only have come from having dealt with the terrors yourself. I am 42 years of age and have been noticing the psychological effects of perimenopause (one of which is panic attacks in my case). Thanks again!!

Sincerely, Cynthia


To Learn more about Panic Away visit:


I encourage you to take a chance with this course. As a former sufferer I would not pretend to have a solution if I did not honestly believe it could be of great benefit to you.

Together we can get you truly back to the person you were before anxiety became an issue.

P.S. Additional bonus- I am currently offering an opportunity to have a one to one session with me so that I can ensure you get the results you need. All I ask is that should you feel the course has been of tremendous benefit to you that I add you to a database I am currently updating of success stories.

If you want to learn more about this course and how to get started right away visit:


Talk soon

Barry McDonagh

All material provided in these emails are for informational or educational purposes only. No content is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your physician regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical condition

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Subliminal Healing the Hidden Self

Samsung T301G - $10 Lunch On Us

Down in the gutter of your mind is your subliminal conscious, which makes up your subconscious and unconscious mind. In this area of the brain are hidden secrets, which if you explore you will find answers too many questions.

The trick is learning techniques that assist you with exploring the subliminal mind. Some people do well with meditation while other people find meditation a difficult task.

Free Hypnosis

You must learn techniques that your mind and body can adapt to in order to explore the subliminal mind. If your body and mind is reluctant to certain techniques, perhaps you can guide your body and mind to join in the action.

If you find it difficult to meditate for example, perhaps you can learn some guided relaxation strategies to encourage meditation. You will need to practice so that your mind and body adapts to probing into deep thoughts.

Meditative practices are the process of guiding the mind and body to relax, yet once you are relaxed, you go into a deep meditative state of mind. Some people enjoy meditation to relax, while others will use meditation to explore the subliminal mind.

In this instance, we are going to learn meditation to practice subliminal exploring. As I said, if you find it hard to meditate you will need to practice some guided relaxation steps first. Otherwise, look at the example below and follow the procedures.

How to meditate effectively:
First, you want to find a quiet area. Make sure that all distractions are removed from your environment. Find a restful position on your bed, couch, et cetera. Once you are in a relaxed position, close your eyes.

Once you have closed your eyes, begin a visualization process. Begin visualizing your toes. Think about how you feel as you imagine your toes. Work up the length of your body and focus on each response. Start to tense the body, and relax as you inhale and exhale, breathing naturally. Monitor your chest activities as you begin the breathing processes.

Continue breathing naturally and relax. Next, move to focus. Focus on somewhere you’d like to be now. For example, if you enjoy beaches, imagine yourself at a sandy beach on a beautiful sunny day. Let the sand creep into between your bare toes. Feel the sensations of nature over your flesh.

Visualize the sunbeams dancing off your body. Feel the sensation of heat as it takes you into a warm, sunny day. Let the splashes of crisp, clear water from the ocean touch your toes and feet. Take a deep breathe and think about the coolness on your flesh.

Once you have felt nature touch your skin, continue to meditate. At first, your thoughts may roam. Let it go. Do not try to repress any thoughts, since this is the prime reason that the subliminal mind buries hidden messages that creates self.

Once you feel relaxed, think about some problem that you have been stressed over for some time. Consider the problem. Think carefully. Do not let the problem escape your mind, rather probe into why it exists. Ask questions. Use self-examination and self-talk to query self. Why do you have this problem? What caused the problem? Who caused the problem? How did the problem develop? When did the problem develop? Where did the problem develop?

Think of your questions. Slowly work through each question. Start with where the problem developed. Probe into your mind until you think you have an answer. Ponder on what you discover. Next, attempt to find answers to your next questions and continue until you think you have answers. Practice this tactic each day until you finally work through each of your problems. Consider the natural processes of healing.

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PTSD Risk Factors Identified

Post-Traumatic Risk Factors Identified

Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) researchers from Boston report in the November issue of the Journal of Abnormal Psychology that risk factors for posttraumatic stress symptomatology (PTSS, short of full-blown posttraumatic stress disorder, or PTSD) in Afghanistan and Iraq veterans were found to be similar to those observed in Vietnam Veterans. An abstract of the study is available on the Journal of Abnormal Psychology website. Veterans who believe they are experiencing symptoms of PTSS or PTSD may call the crisis hotline number at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) and then push 1 to reach a trained VA mental health professional 24/7.

For complete guides to all veterans benefits, visit the Military.com Benefits Center.

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A new study suggests that Omega 3 deficiency and suicide amongst soldiers might be related

A new study suggests that Omega 3 deficiency and suicide amongst soldiers might be related

Over the last few weeks we have talked about the link between Omega 3 fats and various mental disorders, including just recently discussing the results of a new study showing a link between ADHD, Omega 3 fatty acids and improvements in learning outcomes.

Just landed on our desk is a report of a new study which also talks about a related matter, the possible role of low levels of Omega 3 fatty acids in suicide.
Omega 3 and suicide
This study has been reported on the website psychiatrist.com, and notes an escalation in the number of deaths by suicide amongst the US military over recent times.

Could Omega 3 deficiency and suicide be related somehow?

The study sought to determine whether deficiencies in the Omega 3 fatty acids, particularly DHA, were associated with an increased risk of suicide amongst members of the US military.

Participants in the study were active US military personnel.

The results of study were that the risk of death by suicide amongst US military personnel was 62 percent greater amongst those with a low serum DHA status.

In fact the evidence suggested that low levels of DHA were a stronger predictor of the likelihood of suicide than factors which are expected to be more powerful, and in particular whether or not the particular individual was exposed to the death of another soldier.

Of course this does not prove that a low level of DHA contributes to the risk of suicide, or causes suicide. Clearly there are other factors at work and amongst US military personnel, particularly amongst active personnel, and these must also be taken into account. But it would suggest that DHA deficiency may well rank up there with those other factors as potential contributing factors, and may be one of the biggest.

Suicide is a problem for the military

Levels of suicide in the US military personnel are much higher than levels of suicide amongst the general population. In fact the defence Department recognizes the problem of suicide among soldiers and is actively encouraging US service personnel to seek help where they feel and they need ti, as well as attempting to identify any soldier who may be particularly at risk.

There may also be an issue for the military as far as their food preparation goes. It was generally found that service personnel have low levels of DHA, and perhaps the military could consider improving the diet of soldiers by offering some Omega 3 fortified foods, although preferably by offering soldiers Omega 3 capsules, as Omega 3 fortified foods may not be all that effective.

However there is also no doubt that further study should be undertaken to ascertain what role low levels of Omega 3 fats, and DHA in particular, may play in increasing the risk of suicide.

It’s a fascinating question, and as more evidence comes to light we shall bring it to you.

Source of the study

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Herbs That Help With Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are the most common of all mental health disorders. Fortunately, anxiety disorder is highly treatable, and with professional help, it can often be completely overcome. Many times, successful treatment depends only upon individual or group therapy and learned relaxation techniques. In some cases, however, anti-anxiety prescription medication is also recommended. Medications can carry a risk of alarming side effects and can be highly addictive, spurring many people to seek safer, more natural alternatives.

PTSD And Fast Phobia Relief Self-help Audio Program

There are many natural herbs for anxiety, which have been proven to effectively ease many of the symptoms of with a very low risk of side effects. Just as with prescription medications, everyone reacts differently to natural medications, and it can take time to find the right combination and dosage for your body.

Passionflower - an ingredient that is often used in natural medicine, alleviates hyperactivity, anxiety, insomnia, nervous tension -- and is even sometimes used to treat Parkinson's Disease. Passion flower soothes and calms and can lower high blood pressure.
Lemon balm - a general restorative for the nervous system, can reduce blood pressure and also calm the digestive system.

Lavender - an excellent anxiety treatment and one of the best natural panic attack treatments. Lavender is a general tonic for the nervous system and a natural relaxant.
Valerian - a popular natural ingredient that can be used as a sedative and a painkiller. It is often effectively employed as a treatment for anxiety and for insomnia, as well.

Panic Away -end Anxiety And Panic Attacks

You may find that with psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, relaxation exercises or support groups, or some combination of all of them, you do not need any medication. But if you do decide to explore the option of medication, natural treatments for anxiety can provide you with safe, effective results, without the risk of side effects that prescription medications pose. Natural medications are becoming increasingly popular as awareness of them grows, and you might find that they are the right treatment for you as well.

How To Grow Herbs And Vegetables In Small Spaces - Kitchen Gardens

How Can I Solve My Problem?The answer is "information" ...... and the information is here!

Loving You in Healing the Hidden Self

(from my forthcoming book Healing The Hidden Self)

Loving self takes you to acquire encouragement of yourself and then keep the faith in you. You must learn to trust self, rather than expect something from external sources.

There are no better processes of self-healing than you working through the healing on your own. It has been proven that people can survive better without fabricated medicines or development classes, rather people can heal their own being. You must learn to respect you, love you, and have faith that you can work through self-healing.

When you are strong then you can face any thorny challenge that comes your way. To start your life journey in self-healing begin by making your inner conscious your best friend and then move to enjoy life, rather than sweating the difficulties. Keep in mind you do not have control in all instances, so let go of what is out of your hands.

What it takes:
You must work through negative thinking. You can achieve success much faster by letting go of any negative that comes your way. Negative thoughts when developed will become your worst enemy. Never give permission for these thoughts to come between what you intend to accomplish. Most of any problems develop because negative thoughts take over and when the mind is occupied of all these stressors and burdens then it makes it next to impossible to accomplish any goal. Rather than loving others and material things, learn to love yourself.

Learn the meaning of self-realization so that you become aware of your potentials and win the game of life. Keep in mind that God helps those who reach out and helps self. If you expect others to hand you what you need on a platter, then likely you will never see the day that you become acquainted with you, until you start developing your independency.

Don’t blame others if you fail to heal the hidden self. It takes you to make it happen. In our mind, we have a window, which includes the inner consciousness. This consciousness is available to nourish the soul by allowing good thoughts to circulate in your mind, but it takes you to work with this consciousness to allow it room to help you. Your consciousness will move you to love self, feel compassion, and can help you see that there is a brighter day ahead.

Start looking for that brighter day by discovering who you are. You have several ways you can discover who you are. You have the often to practice meditation, which is a great way to work toward healing the hidden self. You also have the option to use your self-talk tools. Self-talk alone will inspire you by helping you to find answers to your problems.

Use every tool that you have within you to find your way to heal the hidden self. Other options include physical activities, such as exercise.

When the joints and muscles are tense from lack of mobility, thus these elements of your human makeup will cause enormous stress that targets the emotions. Your joints and muscles rely on oxygen and mobility to keep them strong. When the joints and muscles lack these necessities, it often causes the blood to move slowly through the body and mind. You are also weakening blood cell production.

Therefore, if you are seeking ways to work toward healing of self, thus consider meditation, self-talk and exercise. The three when you work them will work well for you. Take some time to learn the best practices and workouts to encourage healthy living. Visit the Internet today to learn more.

How Can I Solve My Problem?The answer is "information" ...... and the information is here!

To learn more about Healing Your Inner Self Click Here

Timothy Kendrick

Consciousness in Healing the Hidden Self

The acts of self-consciousness and self-control go hand in hand. The fact is that when we are self-conscious we are better able to exhibit self-control. There are many persons out there that are not self aware or conscious of themselves and they are not in control of their emotions and actions. Being self-aware is important as it can affect or self-development and progression through life. It is crucial that we are able to be aware of all that we do and say and know that these things will affect circumstances as well. Being self-conscious is not always a bad thing as we like to think but if we relate it to being self-aware, we see the benefits.

If we are self-aware, it is less likely that we will act on impulse. It is more likely the case that we will be ready and able to assess a situation properly and show self-control in deciding how to approach the situation. The self-awareness that we possess will therefore directly affect our self-control. It is crucial that we are able to become self-aware persons in order to grab control of our emotions and actions. This can be done in many ways but these depend on the will power of the individual involved and the desire to take control of their lives.

Some of the ways to move the process to self-awareness and self-control along include the need for professional assistance. There are many programmes that offer techniques to assist in this process. These are offered by many self-development persons and are a good start if we do not have the time or will power to devote to the process on our own. We may not make the time unless we are enrolled in a class or unless we are motivated externally to do so. In these cases, the programmes can be a great starting point.

If we do have some self-control then it is good to try the other option of working on self-awareness and control on our own. There are many persons that have highlighted the great benefits of the use of meditation. This can assist the individual greatly as it leads the exploration into self and opens the awareness that is needed for better self-control. Meditation has numerous benefits to its users aside from these. It has been reputed to be of assistance in stress relief and the prevention of more serious illnesses such as heart disease and many more. The relaxing effect of meditation and the exploration into self-are able to translate to a better awareness overall and better self control.

The downside of meditation is that it can take a while to reap benefits and there are often persons that will become bored with the process and not give the method the required time to assist them. Meditation is not an overnight fix by any means and can take months and years of dedication for you to achieve all the results. The meditation process requires quiet and peace, which can often be hard for many of us to source. Not all these challenges however stop the fact that it is one of the best ways to grasp control of self and become more self-aware.

There are other factors that can assist and that can lead you down the road to better self-awareness and self-control. There is a lot of information available in self-development sites that show you the importance of self-awareness and self-control to your life. These are things that can greatly affect the quality of your life and should not be disregarded.

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Healing the Hidden Self by Examining the Mind

Deep in the cavities of the mind is your subliminal channel that circles the subconscious, conscious and unconscious mind. In this region of the brain is the area where the psyche resides and holds hidden messages that when explored one can discover answers.

Using learning techniques you can extract from this area of the mind and have it assist you with discovering messages from your past that you can use to put the pieces of the puzzle together that will make you a whole person. Some of the popular techniques that can assist you with exploring the subliminal mind are meditation.

One must learn these useful techniques by practicing. Practice will push your mind and body so that it can adapt to changes that will occur during subliminal learning process. If your body and mind resists some techniques then you will need to use some strategies and perhaps other techniques to adapt to meditation.

Some people find meditation difficult. However, by learning some guided relaxation techniques, it can assist you with meditation. Practice is the key, since it will cause your mind and body to adapt to delving into deeper thoughts, or mediation.

Practices of meditation are a process of directing the mind and body to relax. Upon the point of relaxation, one can delve into a meditative state of mind.

Learning meditation by practicing will make it easier to probe into subliminal exploring. When you find it difficult to meditate, practice some guided relaxation techniques first.

How the process of meditation works:
Effective Meditation to start, one will need to find a quiet area. Remove all distractions from your setting. Get in a relaxing position, reclining on your back in a restful area. Close your eyes once you have relaxed. During the process, you want to use your visual aid tools or mental pictures and some self-talk.

Start the mediation process by visualizing your toes. Use your images and awareness so that you can focus on your toes and the reactions occurring. Continue to move up over our entire body while focusing on each sensation your body expresses. At one point, you will tense the body. Let it go and resume relaxing. Breathe in and out while you focus and relax. Let each breath come naturally. Continue to regulate your chest activities as you work through the breathing steps.

Continue to focus. Notice your thought patterns. When you notice, your thought patterns getting out of control, instead of repressing the thoughts, continue to encourage relaxation by breathing naturally while keeping your eyes closed. Let your thoughts roam. Go into a world that you would like to visit. For instance, picture you standing on a lovely mountaintop and off to the distance you can visualize natural surroundings with pure waterfalls in the backdrop. You can go anywhere you like.

Focus while you feel the sensations of nature flow over your body. Visualize until you feel at ease and then take a deep breathe, exhaling. Let nature engulf your thoughts. Once you are at a state of complete relaxation, you can start the process of subliminal learning.

You want to give your thoughts room to roam so that it can reveal hidden messages to you. One of the better ways to start meditation also is to affirm that you have the power of mind over your bodily and mental functions. Encourage positive thinking by affirming your power. Once you have affirmed power, you will find it easier to delve into the mind that has the answers you seek to make you a whole person.

How Can I Solve My Problem?The answer is "information" ...... and the information is here!

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How to Prevent Post-traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD

Because Post-traumatic Stress Disorder is usually a delayed responses to events over which you had no control, it is nearly impossible to reduce your risk. However, you can reduce your risk for negative psychological consequences after experiencing trauma with a variety of lifestyle and psychiatric techniques.

General Guidelines

  • Join a support group.
  • Keep in touch with family and friends.
  • Relocate to a safer neighborhood, if necessary.
  • Join an alcohol or drug treatment program.
  • Begin a regular exercise program.
  • Get involved with your community.
  • Seek out mental health counseling.

Join a Support Group

Many communities have support groups for survivors of trauma. Groups can provide emotional support and understanding to help you cope with your feelings. It may feel awkward to meet new people and talk about yourself, but with regular attendance most people eventually feel more trusting and open.

Keep in Touch With Family and Friends

Work at improving your relationships with your partner or spouse, family, and friends. The mutual support will aid in your healing. You will feel more “normal” as you increase your social support.

For more information on increasing your social support, click here.

Relocate to a Safer Neighborhood

After surviving a trauma, you are likely to feel that the world is a dangerous place and that your chances of being harmed are high. If you live in a high-crime area, your beliefs and fears will be even worse. If possible, move to a quieter and safer neighborhood.

Join an Alcohol or Drug Treatment Program

Many survivors of trauma use Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism or Drug Abuse and Drug Addiction to help them deal with or forget their feelings about the trauma. While this may seem to have some benefits in the short-term, it always makes things worse in the long-term. If you are using alcohol or drugs to cope with trauma, get help so that you can stop. A treatment program or group program is often the most effective way to stop using alcohol or drugs. Ask your doctor for referrals for treatment.

Begin a Regular Exercise Program

Exercise can provide a healthy outlet for your emotions, distract you from worries and disturbing memories, and help increase your self-esteem and feelings of control. Walking , jogging, swimming , weight lifting , and other forms of exercise can help reduce physical tension. Talk to your doctor before you start an exercise program.

For more information on starting a regular exercise program, click here.

Get Involved With Your Community

Get involved in a community activity such as volunteering, especially if you're not working. Whether you choose to work with youth programs, the elderly, literacy programs, or hospital services, or to take part in community sports, it's important to feel that you are making a contribution.

Seek Mental Health Counseling

When you are dealing with the aftermath of a traumatic experience, counseling can help you to understand and deal with these feelings. Dealing with these feelings may help reduce the chances that you'll develop PTSD. There are a variety of styles of counseling available. Talk with your doctor about the best one for you.

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Rich Mind Life Strategy

Timothy Kendrick

PTSD: Pathways Through the Secret Door

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Author Timothy Kendrick


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