Emotional Detachment

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In the first meaning, it refers to an inability to connect with others on an emotional level, as well as a means of coping with anxiety by avoiding certain situations that trigger it; it is often described as "emotional numbing" or dissociation.

In the second sense, it is a type of mental assertiveness that allows people to maintain their boundaries and psychic integrity when faced with the emotional demands of another person or group of persons.

For more information about the topic Emotional detachment, read the full article at Wikipedia.org, or see the following related articles:

Advantages For Group Therapy to Treat PTSD

Group therapy helps you build relationships with others who understand what you've been through, PTSD groups have a number of advantages, including provision of a natural support group, the ability to reach more patients, and greater cost efficiency. It can also help you feel more in control of your emotions, have fewer symptoms, and enjoy life again.

A growing percentage of PTSD patients now receive successful treatment as more is learned about the condition and multiple therapies are employed to fight its often-devastating effects on health and quality of life. Group therapy is one of those therapies, which have been found very beneficial, as the groups are usually rather small and the survivor can get to know and feel comfortable in small groups. So even therapists now are suggesting group therapy as a form of processing the trauma.

Sharing with the group also can help you build self-confidence and trust. The participants with trauma-related symptoms and depression in a group can also improved significantly on trauma-related symptoms and depression, it can also reduce symptoms by encouraging the affected person to talk about the event, to express feelings, and share their experience of the event.

One reason that treatment is often unsought by victims of the condition is that virtually any address or discussion of the offending trauma is bound to be quite painful, and stirs in the victim memories and emotions tied back to the event. This is where a group has its advantages, they do not need to sign up or fill out any forms, or feel that attending the group will be traced back to them, for employment reasons or family reasons; it all very antonymous

It is recommended that at the beginning of each PTSD group meeting that an inspirational reading or other form of centering is done for the survivors, it is best if this is something non-denominational as any sort of affiliation to groups or religions can feel like a threat to them. Then at the close of the meeting another type of closing so that all the attendees can get emotional balance prior to leaving.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is experienced by more than 10 million people in the US according to the National Institutes of Health, and that number is growing with veterans returning from war; so group meetings have a beneficial effects for the psychological distress, depression, anxiety and social adjustment for the survivors. It is also very cost effective and many are unable to hold steady, productive employment.

My mission is to teach and encourage individuals how to find and maintain their balance in mind, body, spirit connection.They learn how to experience the joy of balanced living. Sign up for the f.ree report, Learn 7 Ways to Manifest Abundance with Crystals Darlene Siddons Spirited Boutique

PTSD Path to Heal Was Paved by God�s Plow of Knowhow

PTSD Path to Heal Was Paved by God�s Plow of Knowhow

It is true, really, that God can make a way out of no way!
In this instance, a pathway was provided to heal PTSD through poetry today.

You might compare this to digging a hole under Fort Knox.
Divine guidance opened up the VA services that are like a tight box.

Lost were all efforts to connect to the Mental Health program there.
What was conveyed is that Christ�s message to heal in rhyme could not be shared.

The strategy today was formed because an unopened email led the way.
Right at the time the conference was to start it was opened with invitation conveyed.

Within a few minutes a holy lead was given that had been hidden.
A man spoke up and proclaimed a resource of Bridging Chaplains bidden.

Then the door to communication connected with Divine intervention.
Discussed by phone call was a plan to meet to view poetry�s healing connection.

The Reverend reiterated not to expect a contract of work from this.
What was conveyed was an opportunity not to miss!

An agreement was set to review what a gift given in rhyme from the Divine could do.
The tip is that not everyone who has trauma is ready to get rid of what makes them Blue.

For some the path to heal is almost completely out of sight.
Satan�s grip in fear has some souls bound up incredibly tight in fright!

What needs to be noted is that this strategy to heal PTSD worked twice for me.
This heavenly essence of healing rhyme will work only for those ready, you see.

The light that leads down this curative roadway comes in perfect timing.
We need to feel that it is safe to let go of trauma through God�s rhyming.

There is a Celestial strategy to share that allows us to be rid of depression.
Work lost will give us the time we need to reflect and heal during this Recession!

With these circumstances what is needed to add is prayer and meditation.
Then the miracle of medicinal circumvention prevails through contemplation.

None of this is possible without the key ingredient of faith inside.
Without it all our previous plans will surely collide.

What comes next is persistence provided in this heavenly soup of relief.
A thankful heart for the supper provided by Christ instills this belief.

Do you want to know more about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? Contact me and I will share from my own healed experience. I am also a Social Worker specializing in helping homeless Veterans get help for their own PTSD and poverty. Family, friends, and those with PTSD contact me at: http://www.RisaRuse.com. See my books on Amazon at: http://www.CreateSpace.com/3479936. Thanks!

Release PTSD Like Daniel Taken From the Mouths of Lions

Release PTSD Like Daniel Taken From the Mouths of Lions

Repression released from past sorrow comes to us with PTSD when we are ready only.
Until that day we suffer in anguish (like Daniel in the lions� den) ever so lonely.

We may claim our innocence from doing any wrong when trauma came along.
We can share in the King�s lamentable voice to Daniel with a likened song.

King Darius represents a duality in the miracle of salvation through persecution.
It was from his order that the terrible deed was done for animal-like execution.

What needs to be noted in Daniel 6:10, 11, 20, and 21 is the discernment done.
In worldly authority a decree was unrighteous before it had even begun.

This horrendous event was not a random proclamation.
It was planned by wicked hearts that was thwarted through Godly emancipation!

Daniel knew the new law but went inside with courage kneeling as he prayed.
He left the window open and was betrayed, but certainly not afraid!

Contemplate a parallelism making the lions� jaws representative of great fear.
Then make this revelation that faith brought the courage needed and that is clear.

Just as in Job, God used His servant to prove a point, indeed.
Even at the point of peril in life and soul we must heed.

In Job 26, 27:1-6 he asks what have you done for your brother?
It is the responsibility to share our gifts beyond our father and mother.

Job talks about counseling those without power.
This includes those who suffer from PTSD that fear has devoured.

What better healer is there than one who has suffered as man?
To experience all of mankind�s love and strife was God�s master plan.

Jesus was born in body but created in the likeness of Christ, Holy Spirit, and Father too.
Eternal Spirit equipped Him with ever empathic ability to feel- ridding all the Blues!

No better way is there to heal the brokenhearted, but with another whose heart is mended.
Recall the revelation that salvation came from persecution from what heaven intended.

The wicked were only given temporary power.
They thought they had the upper hand with negative acts to devour.

What they did not realize was that it was given to fulfill what God had planned.
In Daniel 6:27, 28 proclaimed was his deliverance and rescue through power so grand!

Through faith, endurance, and perseverance we need to walk.
There are rewards for this that will be granted to the grateful in talk!

Do you want to know more about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? Contact me and I will share from my own healed experience. I am also a Social Worker specializing in helping homeless Veterans get help for their own PTSD and poverty. Family, friends, and those with PTSD contact me at: http://www.RisaRuse.com. See my books on Amazon at: http://www.CreateSpace.com/3479936. Thanks!

PTSD Is Likened to a Tree Toppled Over

PTSD Is Likened to a Tree Toppled Over

The beauty of life is that we all enter with a clean, sterile slate.
A baby born that dies has nothing to prevent him/her from entering Heaven�s gate.

It is through our childhood lessons that we learn to be bad or good.
Then it is Christ who knows our heart�s intentions, even when we are misunderstood.

It is after this state that the seeds we sow provide lessons, you know.
We can liken young life as a seedling that will also grow.

Life promotes circumstances (provided by what we create) from thought.
If only shown what we can physically see that is what is sought.

Just like the little tree it needs water, light, and good soil to grow upright.
Take any of these away and we will go astray paving a future that is not so bright.

You may liken what happens to us with PTSD as a tree that was broken, but lives still.
Even though it may grow huge and strong trauma strikes making our future pay the bill.

Those with a keen eye may be able to spy where the break took place.
Then all of a sudden (without warning) we crack and fall from that broken space.

At this point nothing can be done to mend what was toppled over.
Life acts out in different ways no longer having the luck of a four-leaf clover.

After all, what can be done once a tree has fallen but to cut it up and then shred?
As such we that were cut need to face what held us together from the dread.

Psychologists would call this a spilling out of repression.
What follows for most with PTSD (like me) is a deep, dark, depression.

What needs to be known in II Chronicles 6:1, 8 is that God dwells even in this darkness.
He also is aware of what is in our hearts even when we punish ourselves in harshness.

Eternal Spirit gives us a way out of our self-confinement, too.
At the point of brokenness and release of it trust replaces the Blues!

Once we allow God to take over our pain faith is what remains.
Now He gives us strength to contemplate on our gains.

Then we, like the shredded tree, can start anew again my friend.
God plants us in new fertile, faith-filled ground with a heart on the mend!

Do you want to know more about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? Contact me and I will share from my own healed experience. I am also a Social Worker specializing in helping homeless Veterans get help for their own PTSD and poverty. Family, friends, and those with PTSD contact me at: http://www.RisaRuse.com. See my books on Amazon at: http://www.CreateSpace.com/3479936. Thanks!

PTSD Healing Poetry Is Explained To a Poet Through Divine Rhyme

PTSD Healing Poetry Is Explained To a Poet Through Divine Rhyme

The question came from one who declared himself an atheist today.
He is a poet but does not know how rhyme connects one to the Divine per say.

The answer was given that PTSD healing poetry is inspired from God only.
In this instance it converts His holy Word to bring light to darkness of the lonely.

When we are engulfed in reliving our past trauma we cannot seek the light.
The path we walk has stumbling blocks that give us daily fright.

This may explain why it is so difficult to grasp the hand held out in time of trial.
In Matthew 14:26-31 even Peter faltered in faith as Christ asked of his faith's denial.

Easier to explain than faith to the atheist is the concept of color to the blind.
Although, through others belief in Eternal Spirit explanation we can find.

Likened to this is to feel the color blue.
Contemplate on emotions that compare to each hue.

White can be understood by the warm rays of the sun.
It is clean like crisp freshly washed sheets and when new life has just begun!

Perhaps then with the gift of Divine rhyme some inspiration will come.
Knowing heaven is only acquired through selflessness and heartfelt searching for some.

What prolongs the detachment of the soul to Eternal Spirit is a cold, broken heart.
The time to feel safe varies, but is necessary for PTSD repression to depart.

There came another question from that dry-welled poet again by email.
He asked what caused this poet's trauma to make her past so frail.

As anyone suffering or treating those with fright this question is a big no, no!
Even thinking about the past events can trigger it making our mental health go.

It is helpful for us to write what we do or do not feel.
For those with a bowl full of cherries life it is not a big deal.

Hopefully, this explanation will create a more compassionate concept for mankind.
Being educated on what makes the brokenhearted tick is quite a find.

You may not know what it feels like to mentally drown.
Mental health etiquette will prevent making those that do frown.

Here is a tip to share with those that are or have been Blue.
Kindnesses, combined with fellowship are actions for all of us to pursue!

Do you want to know more about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? Contact me and I will share from my own healed experience. I am also a Social Worker specializing in helping homeless Veterans get help for their own PTSD and poverty. Family, friends, and those with PTSD contact me at: http://www.RisaRuse.com. See my books on Amazon at: http://www.CreateSpace.com/3479936. Thanks!

PTSD Counselors Are Effective Only if They Lead Us to the Great Counselor

PTSD Counselors Are Effective Only if They Lead Us to the Great Counselor

It seems that everywhere we look there is a counseling life-coach.
Successful living, especially for those with PTSD, requires a different approach.

Alternative therapies each have a special healing hand.
Seek those connecting us to our Higher Power to break Satan's band.

The devil's dark thoughts can control anyone anytime, coach included.
His tools that manipulate are medical methodology with Christ excluded!

Sometimes he controls them through pride and ego exploded!
Raving are the praises for Mental Health providers with practices devoted.

This medicinal, exclusive club uses specific degrees to say only they can heal.
What they lack in understanding is the power of prayer and that is a big deal!

Television and radio blast their services to Veterans with PTSD, and like me.
Their competitive comparisons are completely controlled you see.

People's jobs are filled from using grant money to provide for their services of need.
Being mentally ill fills job boards and unemployment line services indeed.

Poetic justice is when these mental health providers are unemployed, too.
This is when false healing practices fall apart and now they also are Blue.

Today's physician has computers to monitor feelings and with the stroke of his pen.
He or she can pinpoint the pain and mask it, but what happens then?

Neuropsychology proclaims their efforts have made our Veterans balanced beautifully.
They program the mind to obliterate any past trauma, but it is not so truthfully.

What lies behind that laser-ridden hidden pain?
Negative emotions may be blocked, but he or she is never the same.

A question arises whether life lessons also have been banished.
It takes two or more to produce trauma even if it has vanished.

A tip to share is that the human soul needs more than a terror cover-up.
There are even signs left in the body that prevent joy from a full cup.

Those in Rochester, NY may not have witnessed the storm named Irene.
NY City had a different experience that was not so serene.

The better, holistic approach to facing treacherous life storms is through God's power.
Using His holy strategy of prayer and forgiveness allows healing blessings to shower.

The message to convey is that counseling should guide only.
The receiver of such should give honor to the true Counselor of the lonely.

These healing credits need no degrees in psychology.
A grateful heart in glory to God is where the praise should be!

Do you want to know more about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? Contact me and I will share from my own healed experience. I am also a Social Worker specializing in helping homeless Veterans get help for their own PTSD and poverty. Family, friends, and those with PTSD contact me at: http://www.RisaRuse.com. See my books on Amazon at: http://www.CreateSpace.com/3479936. Thanks!

How to recognize PTSD symptoms

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a strong emotional and psychological reaction to the extremes of violence, serious injury or death. Although symptoms may come and go with varying degrees of severity, it is important to recognize that when they do strike and to seek early professional attention.

Know the symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder

not Don forget that the symptoms of PTSD may not show up for a long time, sometimes years after the traumatic event. That can be activated so unpredictable, it is strongly recommended that the survivor of severe trauma to be treated even if asymptomatic.

Identify the classic PTSD symptoms: flashbacks of the traumatic event. With flashbacks, reliving the event in vivid detail the victims, and may come suddenly or gradually.

report feelings of shame, guilt or responsibility in connection with the traumatic event to his psychotherapist.

Look for breakdowns in their relationships and take note if you have little interest in things that once brought you joy. Discontent about the prospects for a happy future is also an indicator of psychological post-traumatic stress disorder is having negative effects on their quality of life.

Learn to recognize the remains of psychological trauma. If a patient is easily frightened, experiencing hallucinations (especially in relation to the traumatic event), or suffers nightmares about the trauma, it is likely that post-traumatic stress disorder is present.

Consider a person and withdrawal of emotional isolation from their loved ones as a sign that post-traumatic stress disorder may be present. Many suffer from let thoughts like "never understand" or "I do not want this burden with" do to withdraw from social situations.

Consider cognitive difficulties such as memory impairment, slowness and difficulty focus as possible symptoms of PTSD. This is especially true when these symptoms are present in combination with other signs of traumatic stress.

seek evidence of other destructive behaviors such as abuse of alcohol or illicit drug use. Also, learn to recognize the symptoms of anxiety and depression, as they often accompany PTSD.

This article is written by Article Marketing.

The above article can be found in How to recognize PTSD symptoms

.Everthing about health.

How To Cope With PTSD Issues

At times we go through tragedies in our life. Some tragedies are so terrible; they are often life-threatening. As a result of experiencing a horrible event, some people develop an intense emotional condition called post traumatic stress disorder syndrome or PTSD. Post traumatic stress disorder symptoms include reliving the terrible event repeatedly. A person will tend to stay away from certain people or places, and can be very sensitive to normal situations. It may not even occur right after the event but can surface years later.

During war times, this condition was known by different names. During the civil war, it was referred to as having soldier's heart. At the time of the First World War, soldiers were thought to have combat fatigue. Gross stress reaction was the name given to World War II soldiers. Other names for this syndrome were shell shock and battle fatigue. It wasn't until the 80s that this condition received its now known identifier.

Statistically, up to eight percent of Americans will have to deal with PTSD sometime in their life. Those who have endured a rape are at least ten percent more likely to develop the illness. Close to half of the patients from mental health institutions are being treated for this problem. In children, over forty will have dealt with at least one traumatic situation. And children who have seen the death of a love one, or have suffered through any type of abuse will have a high incidence of PTSD. Those who have to deal with the symptoms are more likely to develop a smoking a habit or alcohol abuse. A personality disorder can manifest in people who have endured trauma at a young age. Children do not have the detachment and distance that adults develop and have thinner skin.

Any event that is tragic,life-threatening and emotional can effect a person through intense fear and result in post traumatic stress disorder. Symptoms of this disorder have been known to cause a person to be put on disability because they can not longer function at their work. A person with this illness can develop problems interacting socially and find it hard to become intimate with a partner. Depression often has to be treated as well in those who have endured this disorder. It is important to know however that with counseling and support many with PTSD are able to lead normal lives and come to terms with the underlying traumas. Some people have deepened their spirituality because of the challenges of dealing with an adverse situation.

Learn More About Developing Coping Skills for Difficult Situations

Read about Coping with Bipolar Disorder as well as Holistic Treatments for Anxiety and other articles by a licensed social worker.

Importance of PTSD training highlighted

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) describes a psychological and physical condition caused by very frightening or distressing events. Around 30 per cent of people who suffer such psychological trauma go on to develop the problem, NHS figures suggest.

A case recently reported by the BBC highlights how crucial it is for such people to be able to receive help from people with PTSD training. It documented the story of Hugh Forsyth, who spent 11 years serving in the army in the Royal Engineers. During his time with the forces he served in Northern Ireland and Bosnia.

After leaving the army at the age of 27, he found the transition to civilian life difficult. He remarked: "When I left the forces it was like starting again. I didn't know what to wear when I got up in the morning and I didn't know how to pay the bills or cope with the simplest of things."

"All I had known for 11 years was hard work, hard graft - in fear most of the time. My adrenalin was up for that whole period. So afterwards I was a mess. I came home and drank a lot, I was arguing and shouting at my wife and kids. Life was grim," he added.

Eventually, his marriage broke up and he ended up in hospital after taking a overdose of pain medication. But even at this stage, he was not consciously aware of how significant an impact the psychological trauma he had suffered while in the forces was having on his life.

It was only some time later when he visited a pensions officer that the problem was identified. She sent Mr Forsyth's details to the charity Combat Stress and he was subsequently diagnosed with PTSD. After this point, he received treatment from people with PTSD training, spending two-week periods three times a year in a specialist centre.

According to the former soldier, who has now remarried, the help he has received has enabled him to put his memories in perspective.

The Article is written by http://www.emdrworks.org providing Emdr Training and Ptsd Training Services.Visit http://www.emdrworks.org for more information on http://www.emdrworks.org Products & Services___________________________Copyright information This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included. Visit http://www.emdrworks.org for more services!

PTSD Weakens From the Power of Forgiveness

PTSD Weakens From the Power of Forgiveness

Sometimes what we need to heal PTSD is right in front of us.
The cure waits in being picked up, like a passenger for a bus!

You know that it is coming in God's perfect timing through faithful prayer.
A tip to remember is that our Source will only give us what we can bear.

For example, we may be tested through combating fear and poverty.
These become emotional boulders in our mind that prohibit prosperity.

It is how we chose to or not to continue to carry our burdens and loss.
When we visualize the peace of forgiveness we show PTSD who is the boss!

This image maker of the mind becomes personified when we let go of our pride.
Having a humble heart is the spiritual strategy that quickens our healing stride.

Christ has given us a powerful tool to tear down sorrow.
It is the Lord's Prayer that reveals how to be happy today and tomorrow.

The keywords to this heavenly instruction are in the prayer's plain view.
"Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us," too.

Here, finally, is the answer to getting unstuck that is quite clear.
The power to be forgiven is to forgive as if we were looking in a mirror!

To continue in this heavenly paradigm love or hate is the reflection that boomerangs.
Whatever hurts we chose not to let go of is held onto inside our minds and hangs.

For some these wounds have grown very deep.
With others their sores that are not shown continue to fester and seep.

Science has now discovered in a pictogram how profound the wound is wound.
Those continued negative thoughts have manifested like black, bare trees bound.

Here is another tip on how to let go that the pictograph will also show.
In the science of the mind using repetitive positive thoughts the process is slowed.

That dead-branched forest starts to be cleaned out in just four days.
The strategy to heal is to trick the mind so negative thoughts are just a past faze!

The mind is like a garden that needs to be fed.
Feed it with kind, loving, thankful thoughts instead!

The miracle of this all is that at the point of decision to let go trauma subsides.
Application of these tools given and being thankful disallows PTSD to hide!

Do you want to know more about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? Contact me and I will share from my own healed experience. I am also a Social Worker specializing in helping homeless Veterans get help for their own PTSD and poverty. Family, friends, and those with PTSD contact me at: http://www.RisaRuse.com. See my books on Amazon at: http://www.CreateSpace.com/3479936. Thanks!

Baby Steps for PTSD Recovery

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a condition where an individual, who has suffered a traumatic experience, continues to suffer from anxiety and fear as a result of the trauma they endured.

The first step in recovery from PTSD is recognize it and be willing to do the work it takes to recover from it. Recovery is the ability to recall the events without any other cognitive, emotional or behavioral effects.

A lot of patients have a dual diagnosis of post trauma stress disorder and substance abuse because alcohol and drugs help them to cope with what they are going through, They may not realize that their headaches, irritability and difficulty with memory is because of this disorder.

With PTSD you are treating the emotional trauma. With a single event, recovery is pretty good. Combating it is really different because you may have a Soldier who has been shot at 10 times in an hour nearly every day or they have some other type of recurring traumatic event.

The reason group therapy is working so good, is that those who've "been there" can understand the rhythm and pacing of real time recovery and can offer hope to those of us engaged in the often frustrating learning process on how to live with PTSD. Survivors need to be approached in ways that do not trigger their symptoms, and they need to be healed enough to be able to allow themselves to be approached in healthy ways and to respond in positive ways.

Many people want to talk about their trauma with others who have had similar issues and events. In group therapy, this is what can happen, you talk with people who have been through a trauma. Sharing your story can help you deal with all the parts in your life. It also helps you build relationships and to walk thru the shame, guilt, anger and rage that comes with trauma. It also helps built trust and to know you aren't alone, which leads to self-confidence and learning to live in the present rather than the past.

Traumatic events capable of causing post-traumatic stress disorder include kidnapping, natural disasters (hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, etc), physical and sexual abuse, combat, drug abuse, and near-death experiences. Sexual Trauma handled alone for years is very unfortunate because it means the child is adding isolation to their trauma during very critical development years. One of the problems with untreated PTSD is that it slowly expands.

Anyone with PTSD or think you may have it, find a support group in your area or even a Coach that has recovered from it to share and work with you. With a coach you can do this over the phone and not even be in the same area, just be sure and they have had your issues and have recovered from them, so they can give you definite tools to work with.

My mission is to teach and encourage individuals how to find and maintain their balance in mind, body, spirit connection.They learn how to experience the joy of balanced living. Sign up for the f.ree report, Learn 7 Ways to Manifest Abundance with Crystals Darlene Siddons Spirited Boutique

Is There Treatment for PTSD

Yes, there is treatment for PTSD, but a great first step is to get information and education about the disorder and then to attend a local PTSD support group. Therapy for this can be very expensive and so the more knowledge about it before going into therapy the better. Being educated and joining a support group can help you feel more in control of your emotions, have fewer symptoms, and enjoy life again.

One reason that treatment is often unsought by victims of the condition is that virtually addressing or any discussion of the offending trauma is bound to be quite painful, and stirs in the victim memories and emotions tied back to the event. You may need to try different types of treatment before finding the one that helps you and it is important to find the right therapist and/or therapy so that doesn't add time to your recovery.

Generally, treatment for PTSD is begun only after the survivor has been safely removed from a crisis situation. The aim of treatment is to reduce symptoms by encouraging the affected person to recall the event, to express feelings, and to gain some sense of mastery over the experience. Recovery seems to be quicker when the survivor feels safe or can get a feeling that there is a possibility that they can be safe.

It is reported that Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is experienced by 10 million people in the US each year, and the good news is that a growing number of PTSD survivors are now receiving successful treatment as more is learned about the condition and multiple therapies are employed to ease its often devastating effects on health and quality of life. Usually more than one type of treatment is necessary to recover and as recovery occurs those treatments need to be adjusted so that the survivor continues to recover, not get stuck in one place.

Survivors of trauma often have difficulty believing that they will ever recover. Very often, they feel on the edge and become obsessed with trying to stay safe. They can also be afraid to address what happened to them and many times family members are frequently fearful of examining the traumatic event as well and this is sort of a double trauma for the survivor. There have been a growing number of reports of PTSD among cancer survivors and their relatives and many times this goes completely undiagnosed. The likelihood of treatment success is increased when these other conditions are appropriately diagnosed and treated as well.

Darlene has researched and practiced many spiritual and personal growth paths and now offers these services to her clients: Wise Woman Teachings; Wellness Coach; Crystal Readings; Gentle Touch Energy Healer. Her mission is to teach individuals how to find and maintain their inner balance for the mind, body, spirit. f.ree Inspiration For Daily Lives Newsletter at Spirited Boutique </a >

Is PTSD a ticking time-bomb?

It�s an astounding fact that since 2003, more than 2.0 million American and coalition troops have served in military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, with thousands deployed multiple times.

The intensity and scale of the combat experienced by the serving personnel has not experienced for decades and will inevitably lead short and long term issues for the veterans of these conflicts.

A survey conducted of nearly 2,000 soldiers who served in Afghanistan and Iraq found that nearly one in five now suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or major depression, illnesses that could cost the billions of dollars in medical care, lost productivity and lost lives through suicide.

This equates to a potential ticking-time bomb of 400,000 suffers of PTSD, the majority in the US, but also significant numbers in the UK and other coalition countries.

The condition has often been overlooked, misdiagnosed and generally neglected by governments of all countries for many years, so whilst we would all hope that this will change over time, we also should recognise that sufferers need to be able to helpful advice, make connections with people in a similar situation and access to services to help them stay in control of the condition.

How can I tell if I have PTSD?

It�s important to recognize the condition as early as possible, so what are the indications that you or a family member may be suffering from PTSD?

First question is have you or they experienced a traumatic event of the sort described at the start of this article?

If so, do you:
� Have vivid memories, flashbacks or nightmares?
� Avoid things that remind you of the event?
� Feel emotionally numb at times?
� Have to keep very busy to cope?
� Feel depressed or exhausted?
� Feel irritable and constantly on edge, but can�t see why?
� Eat more than usual, or use more drink or drugs than usual?
� Feel out of control of your mood?
� Find it more difficult to get on with other people?

If you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms you may be suffering from PTSD.

What can I do about it?

First thing you should do is to go and see a doctor or other healthcare professional.

In addition, there are things you can do to take control. Try to start doing the normal things of life that have nothing to do with your past experiences of trauma. This could include finding friends, doing regular exercise, learning relaxation techniques, developing a hobby or having pets. This helps you to put normality back in your life, re-connect with yourself and those around you and slowly put the pieces back together.

The Symptoms of PTSD site has been established by ex-servicemen to offer information to suffers of PTSD and help them connect with other people affected by the condition.

Within the site you will find basic information about the condition, links to in-depth features and publications and to products and services that can help you beat the condition.

PTSD After Workplace Accidents

PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, is often associated with Armed Forces members and veterans. However, anyone can develop this anxiety disorder after experiencing or witnessing an especially traumatic event, such as something that came with the threat of injury or even death. If you suffer from PTSD after a traumatic workplace accident, it may be difficult for you to return to work as normal.

Interestingly, this anxiety disorder can develop immediately after your stressful situation or not appear until several months afterwards. Additionally, it can last three months to several years. There are three main categories of symptoms that doctors look for when diagnosing your condition. These symptoms include:

  • Avoidance � emotional numbness, depression, loss of interest

  • Reliving memories � flashbacks, nightmares, re-experiencing after contact with certain objects

  • Emotional arousal � feeling tense or easily startled, difficulty sleeping, outbursts of anger

There are many different workplace accidents that can lead to PTSD. If you are a construction worker, you may have experienced a devastating fall from an elevated height. People in office buildings may have suffered through an in-office fire. You may have witnessed someone accidentally amputate a limb while operating heavy machinery. All of this can lead to the avoidance, intrusive memories, and hyperarousal that characterize PTSD.

Unfortunately, these symptoms can interfere with your ability to carry out your job. Even being at work can trigger flashbacks that prevent you from working. Your feelings of anxiety and depression can make it difficult to focus on your work. Thus, you may have to take time away from your job to undergo counseling and therapy to help you manage your PTSD. If a workplace accident has caused your post-traumatic stress disorder, you may require additional compensation from your employer to cover therapy and counseling sessions.

Victims of workplace accidents should be given generous compensation and possibly leave time in order to fully recover from their stressful situation. If you have been hurt while at work, please contact a knowledgeable New Jersey workplace injuries attorney from Levinson Axelrod, P.A., today.

At Levinson Axelrod, P.A., we can help you with your workers' compensation and disability cases so that you receive the financial compensation you need for your suffering. To leanr more about your legal options, contact an experienced NJ worker's compensation lawyer from Levinson Axelrod, P.A., today.

Real-life Army Members Have difficulties with PTSD

Rambo is known as a term this is certainly synonymous with gung-ho action including a persona that is attached to all the identity of flick action star Sylvester Stallone. At present, "Rambo" is a word that is used to signify military or man or women aggression. It is usually used to make reference to a person that's heroic and, within the same, time able of perpetrating extreme violence.

Taken from any 1982 movie that is originally entitled Initially Blood, the film is concerning the character given its name John James Rambo, a part of the top dogs U. S. Affiliate internet marketing Green Berets. Deployed in Vietnam, he fought against the Vietcong and North Vietnamese soldiers by utilizing guerrilla tactics in addition to jungle warfare program. Based on the novel where the the screenplay was adapted from, Rambo was grabbed by North Vietnamese military in November 1971 and was put through inhuman torture as well as abuse in one of many infamous POW camps. Alongside other American criminals of war, Rambo suffered significant episodes of physical torment with the hands of his captors. He experienced just about every day beatings, water personal, electrocution, and other designs of inflicting serious pain. After six many weeks of "living hell", Rambo could escape from a POW camp. Over time of recuperation, he was ever again re-deployed to Vietnam along with was finally honorably discharged within the U. S. Military in 1974.

Rambo's get back to civilian life wasn't easy. The '70s was a moment of student activism that's characterized by the growth within the so-called peace action and "flower power. " During which usually period, the America became divided above the issue of the actual Vietnam War. Many student protests devoted to the claim that the Vietnam War had been an unjust conflict and that america was actually placing an act associated with aggression. Many defense force and veterans just like Rambo, most of which were only drafted into your war, were suffering from protest, ridicule, plus contempt. Civilian protesters observed men like Rambo seeing that warmongers and anti-peace. But during that time, now many were receptive to the depression professional by many soldiers who was mandated to fight in Vietnam. They, too, were against the war but needed fulfill their need as military servicemen. The anxiety and stress of always increasingly being under fire not knowing if that it was already their "last day" prepared soldiers in Vietnam are at odds of the war perhaps up to the civilian protesters.

Enjoy many Vietnam veterans, Rambo was cursed with Post-Traumatic Stress Dysfunction, or PTSD. The novel depicts Rambo like a person who was deeply affected by his past happenings in Vietnam. After losing his job to provide a mechanic, Rambo have become a drifter in addition to wandered from the area to town. Within the movie, Rambo had trouble after a local sheriff imprisoned him or her for possession of a jungle knife. With jail, he was again confronted with torture. The injustice he suffered underneath the hands of the captors made his elect to escape. The law enforcement officials, together with any National Guard, launched a manhunt. Nevertheless, Rambo was capable to elude and deter the armed troops who have been sent to quest him. He repeatedly used his Earth-friendly Beret skills for you to survive and deter his pursuers. Later inside the movie, Rambo attacked town center where the cruel sheriff ended up being hiding. To avoid the further escalation regarding violence, Army Colonel Trautman came up and persuaded Rambo towards surrender to them. The colonel has been Rambo's commanding specialist in Vietnam.

Such as movie and the character of Rambo, a large number of Vietnam veterans lived with PTSD. Many fell with a path to self-destruction by getting endlaved by drugs and effectuating violent acts. Others were incapable of manage the guilt, frustration, anger, and rage they experienced after completing their tours of task in Vietnam. Many veterans were diagnosed with PTSD and various psychosis.

While the movie could not show that Rambo received professional help for his battle with PTSD, in physical locales, many war veterans wanted to receive psychological or simply psychiatric treatment. These veterans were built to take antidepressant prescriptions as a way for them to manage their symptoms regarding depression, guilt, anger, and other self-destructive reactions and behavior. For a few war veterans, getting through per day with some bit of of normalcy required the usage of anti-anxiety medication. Its treatment was as well complemented by guidance, a process that will helped them vent out their fury, frustrations, and phobias.

Unlike the movie, real-life soldiers are certainly not invincible Rambos nobody can go through life without seeking professional help in dealing with the war-time encounters, emotional struggles, together with psychological burdens.

Another installment in the Rambo movie series could be shown in 2008. It remains to get seen whether the situation of PTSD is going to be made a central issue on the movie since it can be now a greatly relevant matter. Today's conflicts around Iraq and Afghanistan are producing ever more soldiers who, like Rambo, have to battle and win their particular internal battles.

PTSD Symptoms

Psychotic Depression

Suicide and PTSD: Post-War Torture

Three hundred miles off the Argentina coast in the South Atlantic lay the Falkland Islands, also known to the Argentines as Islas Malvinas. It consists of two main islands, East and West Falklands which lie 300 miles east of the Argentina coast. There are about 200 smaller islands that form a total land area of approximately 4,700 square miles. The only town and capital is Port Stanley.

The English navigator John Davis may have been the first person to sight the Falklands. However, the Argentine version states that "Spanish seamen" were the first without giving further details. Some also say that Ferdinand Magellan was the first to see the islands on his voyage around the world. Another claim is based on one of Magellan's ships deserting the expedition and going back to Spain. While it is true that there was such a ship, there are no original documents to prove the actual sighting of the islands.

The government of the Falkland Islands administers the British dependent territories of South Georgia, the South Sandwich Islands, and the Shag and Clerke rocks, lying from 700 to 2,000 miles (1,100 to 3,200 km) to the east and southeast of the Falklands.

Argentina has claimed the islands since the early 19th century. Britain had occupied and administered the islands since 1833 and had consistently rejected Argentina's claims. Just like any other conflicts in our world history, claiming and ruling a certain territory initiated war between the Argentines and the British forces. Ownership of the islands has always been a hotly contested issue between the two governments. On April 2nd of 1982, the war began, with thousands of Argentine troops landing on the Falklands.

The British captured about 10,000 Argentine prisoners, all of whom were afterward released. Argentina's defeat severely discredited the military government and led to the restoration of civilian rule in that country in 1983.

After more than 20 years, a shocking revelation unfolds. Research claims that a high number of veterans have taken their own lives since the South Atlantic conflict ended, both from the Argentine and the British troops. The suicide figure was almost half of the number of soldiers who died during the conflict.

There were also allegations that the people in command of the military forces of both countries tried to ignore the issue of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) which leaves many sufferers emotionally scarred and unable to work. Some veterans have claimed that their condition was not diagnosed or treated while they were still serving. They added that they were never warned about the effects on their enlistment or discharge from the forces. They were also not given any presentations or debriefings to prepare them for possible effects.

PTSD, is among only a few mental disorders that are triggered by a disturbing outside event, like war. The traumatic event causes a cascade of psychological and biological changes. Wars throughout the ages often triggered what some people called "shell shock," in which returning soldiers were unable to adapt to life after war. Although each successive war brings about renewed attention on this syndrome, it wasn't until the Vietnam War that PTSD was first identified and given this name.

There seems to be a general pattern for war veterans suffering PTSD. They experience recurring nightmares and flashbacks followed by a recourse to heavy drinking or drugs then crime. A lot of war veterans ended up in prison often for violence and some of them killed themselves in their cells. While many veterans have been suffering from PTSD, others have simply been unable to cope with the reality of life outside the forces. Many have become caught up in alcoholism, drug abuse, homelessness, depression, and relationship break-up. PTSD have indeed turned these war veterans towards the path of self-destruction.

Today, mental health providers such as psychiatrists, psychologists, and other health care professionals can attempt to understand people's response to these traumatic events and help them recover from the impact of the trauma.

The Falklands Conflict was one of the few major naval campaigns to have occurred since the end of the Second World War. As such, the conflict illustrated the vulnerability of surface ships to anti-ship missiles and reaffirmed the effectiveness of aircraft in naval warfare. However, the Falklands War also illustrated the vulnerability of people, especially of the war veterans. Even if the war has ended, it has left an imprint that will forever be within their lives.

The Falklands war cost England 255 men, six ships, and more than 1.6 billion pounds. The war lasted 74 days, with 649 Argentine soldiers, sailors, and airmen, and three civilian Falklanders killed. The Falklands campaign was considered a great victory for United Kingdom. The British may have overpowered the Argentines, but both of them suffered the consequences of the atrocity of war and continuously agonizing from it.

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PTSD - What is It?

PTSD is an acronym for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, a dysfunctional condition resulting from on-the-spot contact with an event, or series of events which shock mind or body to the extent that the condition is engendered. The mind is principally affected, but it can affect the subject's motor system as well. In the extreme, the sufferer may experience psychotic episodes. Symptoms can moderate, disappear, intensify, or persist without diminution. PTSD, in general, is difficult to treat successfully.

Triggering events may be such things as: witness to a series of brutal events that fly in the face of moral or ethical beliefs; exposure to wartime combat -- especially repetitive events; being present at or surviving a disaster such as the 9/11 Twin Towers collapse; an accident in which you lose a limb or suffer disfigurement; rape; and torture.

Upbringing and family stability play an important part; one person witnessing a triggering event might ultimately fall victim to a full-blown case of PTSD, while the next will walk away unfazed. (Should the exposure be repetitive or prolonged, such as unrelenting military duty in an intense combat zone, even the resistant person may succumb.) A considerable period of time often passes before the affected person realizes he is in distress; he, or she, may attempt to rid themselves of their problems by the use of alcohol or drugs. Supervised drug therapy is often prescribed once the subject has sought medical care.

Denial is common. Many cases of PTSD go untreated, the affected person -- progressing, out of shame, into alcoholism and/or drug addiction -- seeking to disguise or self-treat the symptoms. Suicide may take on the appearance of an increasingly attractive solution.

The symptoms of PTSD are quite pronounced; anyone experiencing them should be aware they are dealing with something most unusual and seek professional help.

Symptoms being: "Night terrors" -- horrifying dreams that waken you in a profuse sweat; a desire for isolation; anti-social behavior, amounting to an extreme distrust of people who would normally qualify as friends; an overwhelming desire to change jobs -- no job proving satisfying; extreme irritability; and "flashbacks," vague or full-blown waking dreams -- replays of the event that originally shocked you, or snippets of some action related to it -- these replays interjecting themselves into the middle of your daily work routine or activities. Involuntary physical reaction (sometimes accompanied by a flashback) is often triggered by the sight, sound, smell, or touch of anything relating to the triggering event.

If the symptoms are easily cast off, it is difficult for the sufferer to believe anything is amiss -- especially if daily life is unaffected. Should suspicion persist that something deep within is "out of kilter," you may be toying with self-denial. A visit to a psychologist may prove helpful.

In 3ACES, Abner Weaver knows very well what his problem is; he's strong and stubborn enough to think he can handle it. Self-treatment has consisted of isolating himself on the American road for seventeen years in the cab of a long haul truck, where Weaver avoids coping with much of the everyday world. Control evaporates when he allows a distraught female hitchhiker into his cab -- temporarily, he thinks. Weaver's problem is close to extreme -- the result of 18 border recon missions during the Vietnamese war. Any degree of PTSD may represent a nasty problem.

Richard Ide is a writer of realistic, action-adventure and romantic-suspense fiction. On May 26th, 2008, Button Top Books released 3 ACES, his first published work. Now available on Amazon.com or by special order (ISBN: 978-0-615-15821-1) in bookstores. For more information on Richard and 3 Aces, visit: 3 Aces.

Symptoms of Ptsd and How to Identify Traumatic Reactions

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, commonly refered to as PTSD, is caused by experience a traumatic event or series of events. A diagnosis of PSTD is often given when one fits into several criteria. If the person has intrusive memories, signs of avoidance, withdrawal from other and physical symptoms they may be suffering from a trauma. Treatment for PTSD is available, recovery is possible.

Intrusive memories of a distrubing situation are a major symptom of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This can include flashblacks in which one feels as though the act is happening again. The person may also be plagued with nightmares that disturb sleep. People with PTSD often have physical reactions during these episodes. The effects of the stress on the body cause fast heart beating, excessive sweating, and fast breathing.

Another sign of PTSD is avoidance and a detached attitude. A sufferer is not likely to talk about the event or even remember major parts of it. One may loose his or her desire for activities he or she once enjoyed. This happens because the sufferer can feel guilty or ashamed. They are often depressed. Some even turn to alcohol or drugs. They do not have a desire to live a long and health life.

One more sympton of PTSD is reacting quickly to things. This can cause moodiness. They often have sudden anger outbursts that are out of character. They typically cannot fall asleep easily, and they do not stay alseep well either. They are often on edged and easily startled. Family members and close friend of people with the disorder often say that the person is not the same.

Physical signs of PTSD are common as well. Headaches are a major physical ailment along with chest pains. There are also dangers with high blood pressure and vascular problems.

There are many treatments available for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. These range from medications to specialized therapies. The type of treatment one needs depends on their specific case. There is not quick cure, and every day is a battle for people battling with the disorder. Relaxation and exercise plus therapy can be an important combination.

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Acupuncture Treatment For Ptsd Patients

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is not new in the medical society; in fact it has gone through many name changes for the past 140 years before settling down with its current moniker.

PTSD dates back to the time of the American civil war. Such condition was then called Da Costa's syndrome among US war veterans. Fifty years passed and the British troops called the mental manifestations of life-threatening experiences of soldiers in the battlefield as "shell shock".

Through the years, from one battle to another, the disorder also morphed from one name to the next, from "battle fatigue" to "operational exhaustion" and to its current name, which is PTSD. By mid-20th century, the ancient Chinese healing form acupuncture was considered as a possible alternative therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder as the condition now expands to traumatic experiences not only limited within the war zone but also in other tragic situations such as terrorist attacks, natural disasters, violent personal attacks, and vehicular accidents.

The University of New Mexico worked on a two-year study wherein researchers were tasked to dig deeper into the possibilities of applying acupuncture to treat post-traumatic stress disorder.

The National Institutes of Health shelled out $250,000 to fund the study with hopes that if acupuncture can be proven effective in treating PTSD, it will pave way for the successful integration of eastern medical principles with western approaches toward treating post-traumatic stress disorder.

The study aims to attain three goals, first of which is to determine if acupuncture can be an effective alternative therapy for patients with PTSD, next is to see how effective is acupuncture against conventional treatments, and lastly, to help determine the diagnostic patterns for PTSD patients.

The post-traumatic stress disorder study program allocated 12 weeks for patients to undergo a treatment program. The patients were grouped in three, with one group acting as a waiting list and will not be treated with acupuncture during the entire duration of the study, the second group will receive conventional treatments and cognitive behavioral therapy, and the third group will be receiving acupuncture treatments throughout the allotted 12-week treatment period.

The group receiving acupuncture treatments will have two sessions per week during the treatment program. Each session will last for an hour, which will consist of 15 needle insertions and manipulation. Acupuncture seeds will also be placed on the acupuncture points in the outer ear.

As of this writing, 17 patients have already completed the treatment program and with 29 others still undergoing observations at various stages of the treatment period. However, based on preliminary observations on the patients who have already completed their treatment session, the acupuncture treatments seem to be working favorably with the patients feeling lesser pain compared to those who are receiving conventional therapies and those who have received no treatments at all.

After the completion of the study, another study program is being developed on the pipeline and this time on how to successfully integrate acupuncture with other behavioral therapy for the sole purpose of treating patients with post-traumatic stress disorder.

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Post Traumatic Tension Disorder (PTSD)

The globe these days has experienced lots of disasters, wars, famine along with other calamities that left it distraught and plunge on to a journey of research on how you can cope using the after-effects of these occurrences. Not merely is then the world affected but several individuals are also been challenged, physically, emotionally and mentally. Leaving persons traumatized by loss of their homes, loved ones or even their lives. When one has gone by way of an extremely bad experience, like witnessing a heinous crime, death of a loved one, survivor of a war or any natural disaster, and after that experience troubled by it, creating it tough for him or her to get back to the mundane of life, that person could be suffering from Post Traumatic Tension Disorder or PTSD.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or commonly referred to as PTSD, is an emotional illness that ordinarily begins to grow right after a very traumatic encounter. Normally, this knowledge is life-threatening, terribly frightening or an extremely unsafe incident in once life. A person suffering from PTSD might have unpleasant dreams on the onset of that poor experience. Following a when, he will keep having this dreams, extreme paranoia, he feels fearful of himself, gets a feeling of numbness in an increasing quantity. Other people say that PTSD can be a standard reaction of the body, specially the thoughts, to unwanted horrible experiences. A repetitive replay of an encounter within the brain may cause somebody to really feel disconnected, frightened, at times usually do not sound logical of what's happening or violent and agitated to the people around the person suffering from this illness. Symptoms may perhaps be observed 3 months following the incident, but in other cases, it could take years for the symptoms to appear. The indicators continue to develop within the passing of time depending on the particular person involved.

Medication can be prescribed to men and women suffering from PTSD. In some cases, it truly is far better consult professional support. Also, educating individuals around or who reside with the patient, about tips on how to deal with the patient if a few of the symptoms occur which happens from time to time. Speak therapy, according to the website Medline Plus, an on the net well being information and facts website powered by the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Wellness, as one of the treatments utilised for individuals suffering with this illness. A trusted friend, confidante, a colleague who is supportive can assist the patient.

Right now, quite a bit of individuals are coming to be aware of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Articles I read are saying that the US Army is putting very much effort on research for therapy. Most of the soldiers who have returned and been traumatized by the war. It seems that the army is facing additional of these cases as time goes by. Most of these war-torn soldiers continue to look tough but deep inside they are suffering from PTSD. The goal for their recovery is that they find out to accept what had happened and understand that it was not their fault, learning not to blame themselves and live with it and leave it all in the past. It may appear tricky for them, but by way of unconditional support and enjoy of loved ones and friends will support them get through, and live an usual and happy life.

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Coping With PTSD

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a disorder that can affect every aspect of your life. It can ruin your relationships, take away your sense of well being, and make you think that you are generally losing your marbles. I know because this is what happened to me. How does one cope with this disorder in a manner that brings then back to sanity and restores balance back into their lives?
PTSD has common or typical symptoms that can be identified and addressed. Memory deficits, anxiety, depression, and a high startle response are just a few examples. People who suffer from PTSD are hyper vigilant, become triggered easily, suffer from panic attacks, and tend to fall into dissociation easily. Some suffer nightmares and can�t sleep for more than a few hours at a time. This is mentally exhausting. The symptoms of PTSD are mentally exhausting for everyone involved and often take a very negative toll on relationships.
When you have PTSD, it is important to identify how you experience these symptoms and tackle them one by one. What is your interpretation of what is happening to you? For example, it is one thing to say that you are suffering from nightmares, but how does this affect you personally? When you awaken from a nightmare how do you deal with it? What can you do to get yourself back to sleep? If you can not go back to sleep, what productive or positive thing can you do to make yourself feel better? How does the lack of sleep affect your stress level? How is this affecting your life and those around you?
This is a very personal disorder in that what works for one person may not work for another. One strategy might not be as helpful to you as it is to another person. This is why it is important to evaluate what is happening to you, evaluate your responses, and develop what works for you. The bottom line is that you have to design your own strategies and skills in order to deal with this disorder. Coping with PTSD means that we adapt to a new life that is tailor made for us.
Coping with PTSD means that we learn new skills, even if we have to invent them for ourselves. The events that led to this disorder have changed our lives forever and the only way to alleviate symptoms is to take a personal approach in order to learn what is helpful to us. Yes, there are common strategies just as there are common symptoms, but you can not take a one size fits all approach to this disorder. Coping means that we learn to adapt, to minimize, and to eventually overcome that which negatively impacts our lives and those around us.

Erin Harrington, BHSM,MSP. I have worked in the field of mental health for many years. In addition to being a sufferer of PTSD, I specialize in helping those who also have this disorder as well as the people that love them. Want to know how to manage and minimize the symptoms of PTSD and regain control of your life once again? Are you looking to help someone that you love through Post Traumatic Stress and have the best possible relationship with them? Visit my website below to read a free sample.


Support Groups for PTSD Survivors Can Help - Wellness Coach

Trauma of any kind has a long lasting effect on individuals and it is important that PTSD (Post Trauma Stress Disorder) survivors know that there is help and to be ok with asking for help. Shame plays a large role in PTSD and many victims feel that they are weak because they can't get a handle on their lives. Then they develop survival behaviors, which in fact, do not serve them at all and a vicious circle begins.

When PTSD survivor problems and feelings are not recognized and honored as real and they are not heard, understood, acknowledged for these feelings it creates them to stay stuck in the pain and dysfunction of their trauma. Then the denial sets in and other forms of trauma sets in from people and other areas, because the needs are not meet by the victims. Many times this can lead to acting out in socially not acceptable behaviors and various kinds of addictions, which can further traumatize the PTSD survivor.

Finding recovery and support groups can be very daunting as the shame and not wanting people to know there is something wrong with them is over whelming for them. Many feel that if they keep the secret and just keep trying to look normal, no one will know and maybe, just maybe it will get better. This just creates a larger and darker circle around them and they tend to think that there is no way out

Recovery in PTSD can tend to be slow and it is referred to as taking small baby steps and accepting when there are setbacks and just slowly moves forward again. This is where support groups and coaching comes into play and are very useful for recovery. PTSD survivors need to be heard and be able to talk about their feelings without and judgment or comparisons and to feel that they have a voice in what their pain is.

Many times change is a huge challenge, as the trauma can almost feel like their friend, as it is the only feeling they can feel, and if that goes away, they wouldn't have anything. This is called emotional numbness and it is very elusive and confusing, and just little steps in testing this out is what can work for them to see it is ok to let the trauma go.

Support groups are great because all the members can share their coping skills and new ideas and methods can be shared, learnt and developed. Many times PTSD survivors have an aversion to therapists as they represent authority figures, which either they have a fear of or no confidence in, as no one was there to protect them. In the support groups they are all survivors and can identify with each other.

In the groups each individual is encouraged to explain and share their own unique experience and trauma and to respect the other members stories and to look for the similarities not the differences and to find what the each have in common and to share in their growth together.

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Blood Pressure Medication Being Studied to Treat PTSD

A Canadian researcher once lauded by Forbes as one of "Ten People Who Could Change the World" is pioneering experiments using a commonly prescribed blood pressure medication to dull the painful memories of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Dr. Karim Nader of Montreal's McGill University is attempting to reduce the emotional response generated by painful memories using the beta blocker propranolol. Propranolol (propranolol hydrochloride) has been on the market for over 40 years, marketed as Inderal or Inderal LA.

Nader and his team are not attempting to eradicate painful memories, but instead to lessen their emotional impact. Years ago, Nader discovered that memory can be altered just by the very act of remembering - a process he dubbed "memory reconsolidation". He developed a technique he called "reconsolidation blockade" in which memories and the associated negative emotions are altered during the reconsolidation phase to lessen their unpleasant impact, reducing a traumatic memory to just a bad memory.

Propranolol's role in the reconsolidation blockade process is to target hormones such as adrenaline that are released during or while reliving a traumatic event. "These hormones can actually boost how intensely memories are stored," Nader explains, "So if you can block these hormones you block the boosting, but you're keeping the information intact." The blood pressure medication is usually given to patients with angina or high blood pressure because of its ability to block adrenaline. Propranolol medication is such an effective adrenaline blocker it can even help counter adrenaline effects such as stage fright and trembling - a quality that led to a ban on its use by Olympic athletes.

Nader teamed up with Dr. Roger Pitman from the Harvard Medical School in Boston to test the effects of the blood pressure medicine in a group of patients who had suffered from PTSD for over ten years. They divided the study participants into two groups, and had them relive a painful memory, measuring their physiological response. The researchers gave one group propranolol while they relived the traumatic event, and the other group a placebo. When they asked both groups to recall the traumatic memories again a week later, the group given the beta blockers drugs experienced a reduced physiological and emotional response to the memories. "We found that we can bring the strength of the memory down to non-PTSD levels," reports Nader, "Which really is just crazy for someone who has had PTSD for 30 years."

PTSD is an anxiety disorder arising out of a terrifying and or life threatening event such as war, sexual assault or a natural disaster. PTSD sufferers are tormented by persistent disturbing thoughts and memories of their ordeal. Other symptoms include nightmares, flashbacks, a high startle response, shame and guilt, sleep and eating disturbances, difficulty concentrating, emotional numbness, avoidance of situations reminiscent of the traumatic event, depression and anger. PTSD is usually treated with a combination of antidepressant medication and therapy.

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Rich Mind Life Strategy

Timothy Kendrick

PTSD: Pathways Through the Secret Door

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Author Timothy Kendrick


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