You Reap What You Sow a.k.a. "If You Don't Plant Anything You Will Usually Get Weeds"

If you plant corn, you will get corn. If you plant weeds, you will get weeds. And...if you
don't plant anything, you will usually still get weeds!
The weeds will grow regardless. Weeds don't need cultivation.
It's the same with your mind.
If you let positive, productive and creative thoughts in, you will get positive, productive
and create results out.
Similarly, if you let thoughts of fear, worry, and pain in, you will only create the same in
your life.
And…. if you don't let anything in intentionally, there's enough negative news and
information around you to make you think negative anyway! (Weeds will grow
regardless, remember?)
Aside from what you internally focus on, you have to also be careful of what you focus on
most on the outside!
Guard your mind from the thoughts that enter into it!
And guard it with your life!
If you tend to watch or read the news a lot, beware! A lot of what is discussed on the
news these days are "negatively charged." There's more bad news on the news than good
It doesn't matter that it's happened to someone else. If you focus on the bad news enough,
it will start to steer your thoughts, actions, and consequently your life, in the wrong
Our society seems to thrive on melodrama. Pain and suffering seems to be the way most
people can connect with others. Be very careful what you're consistently focusing on.
If you don't think you can live without the news, then find a balance between being
informed and being drowned with the news.
You get to decide how much of the negative stuff you let into your mind. No one else
should decide that. But if you don't take control, others will do it for you, especially the
media!  I Urge You To Go Here For More Information

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Rich Mind Life Strategy

Timothy Kendrick

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