Have you ever felt like fear was preventing you from reaching your full potential in life? If so,
you are certainly not alone because fear is one of the biggest obstacles that many people face
when trying to create better life circumstances.
Below are some of the most common ways that fear can hold you back:
Fear can prevent you from making positive changes.
Sometimes fear can make even the smallest changes seem extremely uncomfortable. For
example, you may be deeply dissatisfied with your job, but feel nervous or uncertain about
finding and applying for a better one. Or you may have always dreamed of buying your own
home but worry that the responsibility would be too much to handle.
Fear can prevent you from breaking destructive habits.
We all know that smoking, poor dietary choices, excessive alcohol and a sedentary lifestyle are a
recipe for health problems, but we often gravitate toward these habits because they help numb
our anxious or fearful feelings. If you have ever tried to break a bad habit like this, you know
how stressful it can be because suddenly you are filled with anxiety and you don't know how to
handle it except to run back to your ―pacifiers‖
– the very habits you are trying to break.
Fear can prevent you from taking risks.
Many of us shy away from risk because we
fear negative consequences. For example, you
may hesitate to invest your money because you
fear losing it, or avoid starting a new
relationship because you were so hurt by the
last one. What most of us fail to realize is that
risk can also bring great rewards. Avoiding
risk may help us avoid negative possibilities
but we also miss the excitement and joy that
come from positive outcomes.
Fear can prevent you from pursuing your goals.
Have you ever dreamed of doing something great but were never able to push yourself to do it?
Perhaps you dreamed of being a stand-up comedian but dreaded the thought of public speaking,
or you desperately wanted to be a bestselling author but were too afraid to pen that novel lurking
inside of you.
Fear can prevent you from expanding your life.
Social anxiety is another common way that fear can limit your potential. It may prevent you from
attending networking functions so your career or business can't grow properly, or you may avoid
taking that much needed vacation to relax and explore other cultures because you fear flying or
being on a cruise ship.
How to Stop Fear from Limiting Your Potential
It's important to note that all of these fears are most often groundless. They are merely a
perception that things ―could go wrong – but that does not mean they will.
Rather than trying to force your way through the fear, you may find it easier to explore the many
ways that fear can be effectively released from your mind, emotions, and body. When you know
how to release the fear, you simply handle it as you would any minor obstacle and then continue
on your way to creating the best life you possibly can.
Go Here For A Great Program That Has Helped Me
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