How the Warrior Spirit Can Help You Change Your Reality

"The Warrior Spirit empowers people to achieve financial and personal goals with greater ease using higher mind states and shamanic wisdom. 
If the mind is filled to capacity with non-stop mind chatter, you make it difficult to create the results you want in your life.   Stress prevents you from having insights, creative ideas and confidence that can help you achieve your goals; it weakens your ability to solve issues that trigger anxiety and stress.
The Warrior Spirit helps you discover how powerful you really are and the immensity of what you can achieve," says Mary Rivas, creator of The Warrior Spirit.
The Warrior Spirit program empowers you to achieve financial and personal goals with greater ease, speed and wisdom using higher mind states and ancient wisdom. 
Ultimately, it helps you connect with a higher force within you to change your reality for the better.
Go Here Now To See For Your Self How the Warrior Spirit Can Help You Change Your Reality
What's Inside the Warrior Spirit Program?

• Audio book (in MP3 format) covers six parts of personal transformation.
• 98 page, six chapter e-book reinforces knowledge provided in audio book with illustrations & tables; it's the audio transcript.
• Illustration of how the mind works from a spiritual perspective.
• Illustration of how the manifesting process works.
• 5 practices to access higher mind powers (e.g., theta and delta).
• 4 ways to energize goals and help them manifest sooner.
• Tips for making wiser and more powerful decisions.
• 2 techniques for releasing old patterns and memories that keep you stuck.
• Inspiring stories to help you change your financial reality.
• Practices to relieve stress and expand awareness.
• Practices to eliminate harmful and stressful habits.
• Workbook provides step-by-step instructions for practices.
• Resources and self-assessment questionnaire.

Go Here Now To See For Your Self How the Warrior Spirit Can Help You Change Your Reality

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Rich Mind Life Strategy

Timothy Kendrick

PTSD: Pathways Through the Secret Door

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Author Timothy Kendrick


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