Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, commonly refered to as PTSD, is caused by experience a traumatic event or series of events. A diagnosis of PSTD is often given when one fits into several criteria. If the person has intrusive memories, signs of avoidance, withdrawal from other and physical symptoms they may be suffering from a trauma. Treatment for PTSD is available, recovery is possible.
Intrusive memories of a distrubing situation are a major symptom of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This can include flashblacks in which one feels as though the act is happening again. The person may also be plagued with nightmares that disturb sleep. People with PTSD often have physical reactions during these episodes. The effects of the stress on the body cause fast heart beating, excessive sweating, and fast breathing.
Another sign of PTSD is avoidance and a detached attitude. A sufferer is not likely to talk about the event or even remember major parts of it. One may loose his or her desire for activities he or she once enjoyed. This happens because the sufferer can feel guilty or ashamed. They are often depressed. Some even turn to alcohol or drugs. They do not have a desire to live a long and health life.
One more sympton of PTSD is reacting quickly to things. This can cause moodiness. They often have sudden anger outbursts that are out of character. They typically cannot fall asleep easily, and they do not stay alseep well either. They are often on edged and easily startled. Family members and close friend of people with the disorder often say that the person is not the same.
Physical signs of PTSD are common as well. Headaches are a major physical ailment along with chest pains. There are also dangers with high blood pressure and vascular problems.
There are many treatments available for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. These range from medications to specialized therapies. The type of treatment one needs depends on their specific case. There is not quick cure, and every day is a battle for people battling with the disorder. Relaxation and exercise plus therapy can be an important combination.
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