PTSD Is Likened to a Tree Toppled Over

PTSD Is Likened to a Tree Toppled Over

The beauty of life is that we all enter with a clean, sterile slate.
A baby born that dies has nothing to prevent him/her from entering Heaven�s gate.

It is through our childhood lessons that we learn to be bad or good.
Then it is Christ who knows our heart�s intentions, even when we are misunderstood.

It is after this state that the seeds we sow provide lessons, you know.
We can liken young life as a seedling that will also grow.

Life promotes circumstances (provided by what we create) from thought.
If only shown what we can physically see that is what is sought.

Just like the little tree it needs water, light, and good soil to grow upright.
Take any of these away and we will go astray paving a future that is not so bright.

You may liken what happens to us with PTSD as a tree that was broken, but lives still.
Even though it may grow huge and strong trauma strikes making our future pay the bill.

Those with a keen eye may be able to spy where the break took place.
Then all of a sudden (without warning) we crack and fall from that broken space.

At this point nothing can be done to mend what was toppled over.
Life acts out in different ways no longer having the luck of a four-leaf clover.

After all, what can be done once a tree has fallen but to cut it up and then shred?
As such we that were cut need to face what held us together from the dread.

Psychologists would call this a spilling out of repression.
What follows for most with PTSD (like me) is a deep, dark, depression.

What needs to be known in II Chronicles 6:1, 8 is that God dwells even in this darkness.
He also is aware of what is in our hearts even when we punish ourselves in harshness.

Eternal Spirit gives us a way out of our self-confinement, too.
At the point of brokenness and release of it trust replaces the Blues!

Once we allow God to take over our pain faith is what remains.
Now He gives us strength to contemplate on our gains.

Then we, like the shredded tree, can start anew again my friend.
God plants us in new fertile, faith-filled ground with a heart on the mend!

Do you want to know more about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? Contact me and I will share from my own healed experience. I am also a Social Worker specializing in helping homeless Veterans get help for their own PTSD and poverty. Family, friends, and those with PTSD contact me at: See my books on Amazon at: Thanks!

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Rich Mind Life Strategy

Timothy Kendrick

PTSD: Pathways Through the Secret Door

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Author Timothy Kendrick


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