Is There Treatment for PTSD

Yes, there is treatment for PTSD, but a great first step is to get information and education about the disorder and then to attend a local PTSD support group. Therapy for this can be very expensive and so the more knowledge about it before going into therapy the better. Being educated and joining a support group can help you feel more in control of your emotions, have fewer symptoms, and enjoy life again.

One reason that treatment is often unsought by victims of the condition is that virtually addressing or any discussion of the offending trauma is bound to be quite painful, and stirs in the victim memories and emotions tied back to the event. You may need to try different types of treatment before finding the one that helps you and it is important to find the right therapist and/or therapy so that doesn't add time to your recovery.

Generally, treatment for PTSD is begun only after the survivor has been safely removed from a crisis situation. The aim of treatment is to reduce symptoms by encouraging the affected person to recall the event, to express feelings, and to gain some sense of mastery over the experience. Recovery seems to be quicker when the survivor feels safe or can get a feeling that there is a possibility that they can be safe.

It is reported that Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is experienced by 10 million people in the US each year, and the good news is that a growing number of PTSD survivors are now receiving successful treatment as more is learned about the condition and multiple therapies are employed to ease its often devastating effects on health and quality of life. Usually more than one type of treatment is necessary to recover and as recovery occurs those treatments need to be adjusted so that the survivor continues to recover, not get stuck in one place.

Survivors of trauma often have difficulty believing that they will ever recover. Very often, they feel on the edge and become obsessed with trying to stay safe. They can also be afraid to address what happened to them and many times family members are frequently fearful of examining the traumatic event as well and this is sort of a double trauma for the survivor. There have been a growing number of reports of PTSD among cancer survivors and their relatives and many times this goes completely undiagnosed. The likelihood of treatment success is increased when these other conditions are appropriately diagnosed and treated as well.

Darlene has researched and practiced many spiritual and personal growth paths and now offers these services to her clients: Wise Woman Teachings; Wellness Coach; Crystal Readings; Gentle Touch Energy Healer. Her mission is to teach individuals how to find and maintain their inner balance for the mind, body, spirit. f.ree Inspiration For Daily Lives Newsletter at Spirited Boutique </a >

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Rich Mind Life Strategy

Timothy Kendrick

PTSD: Pathways Through the Secret Door

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