Painkiller Addiction and Dependency: What Your Body Is Telling You

Many people who suffer from Prescription Painkiller Dependence and Addiction don't abuse other drugs. In fact , some have never even tried drugs like marijuana before. Yet they are addicted to painkillers... but not by choice. For one reason or another, they were prescribed a painkiller such a Vicodin, Oxycontin, Oxycodone, Darvocet, or Percocet to alleviate pain caused by a fall, an injury at work, a car accident, or as part of post-operation treatment. But suddenly their prescription runs out, yet they're still in pain. Now what?

This is all too often the way people become addicted to prescription drugs. Their bodies develop a dependence on the drug to the point where it is too painful to stop taking it. It becomes a vicious cycle, and is devastating for both the user, and those around him or her.

Painkillers are opiates, producing a mild euphoric feeling that can help relieve pain. This is a blessing for those who suffer from conditions like fibromyalgia or herniated discs of the spine. But , as the person continues taking the medication , the opiates change the integrity and function of the brain and the way it reacts to pain. Opioids also change the way a person experiences pleasure. When the medication is stopped, these feelings go away, and a person can rebound.

A person will sometimes feel even more pain when he or she stops taking the medication. This isn't always the case, and much of that depends on a person's brain and body chemistry, as well as how long the medication was taken. People sometimes report depression when they stop taking their medication as well.

For those who are experiencing Symptoms of Vicodin Withdrawal and Oxycontin Withdrawal Symptoms often times the symptoms are too painful and difficult to deal with, so the user returns to taking the medication , even if it means obtaining it illegally. Even though it's illegal, people don't feel there's as much of a stigma associated with prescription drug abuse. After all, it's a drug they were initially prescribed, and if it was prescribed by a doctor, it must be safe compared to drugs like ecstasy and heroin obtained on the street.

If you've struggled to quit taking a medication because the effects are too devastating and painful, or if you are taking a painkiller beyond its intended medicinal use, you may be suffering from prescription painkiller dependency - in other words, your body is addicted.

There are many Painkiller Abuse Treatment Centers in Florida and in the U. S. to help people safely detox from prescription painkillers, and learn to cope with their body's addictions. These centers even offer out-patient treatment programs so you can continue to work and not disrupt your life.

Even working professionals suffer from these types of problems, yet often times they are too embarrassed or afraid to admit they have a problem. But once the stigma is dropped, and a person accepts that there is a problem, then the healing can begin.

You didn't become addicted by choice, but your body did, and it's telling you something: now is the time to get help.

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