Health Benefits of Yoga for Women by James Pendergraft

There are a number of healthy benefits a women can receive from practicing yoga. Through this form of exercise women are able to build on their strengths and focus on bettering themselves through a calming method of breathing, meditation, and gentle poses.

Here are just some of the healthy benefits that women can get from yoga:

1) Yoga can help enhance your immune system and decrease chances of illnesses. It is believed that yoga can greatly enhance the function of your immune system. This will lead to the more effective curbing of a number of diseases that women normally get. Yoga is also known to be very effective in controlling the level of cholesterol in the body as well as a woman’s blood pressure.

2) For those women who can’t seem to find the time to perform exercises that will help control their cholesterol level and blood pressure, yoga could be very advantageous. This is because yoga makes use of breathing exercises and meditation that could help in calming down nerves that have been stressed by work or daily activities.

3) Yoga can help bring about a more healthy pregnancy. Although pregnancy brings with it a great deal of happiness, it can also lead to experiencing a lot of discomforts. Yoga can help alleviate these discomforts, which could include backaches, morning sickness, and mood swings. Yoga exercises can also help greatly in maintaining an ideal weight during pregnancy. There are different prenatal poses being practiced in yoga that are recommended for women who are pregnant. These are intended to aid women in preparing their bodies for their babies’ birth.

4) Yoga helps decrease pre-menstrual syndrome symptoms. Menstruation is known to cause a number of hormonal changes among women. These changes as well as the inconveniences they bring often make women uncomfortable. Because of these changes, pre-menstrual syndrome symptoms could also be experienced before, during, and after a menstrual period. These include cramps, mood swings, depression and irritation. These symptoms can be considerably reduced through practicing yoga, which has some poses that could aid in the reduction of pain during menstrual periods.

5) Yoga helps women deal with stress and depression. Because women are emotional in nature, it is expected that they fall victim to stress and depression more than men do. Yoga makes use of meditation, which is a great aid in decreasing the stress and tension levels in the body. Practicing yoga will also help stimulate positive levels of energy.

6) Yoga also helps make the body more flexible. Women tend to lose the flexibility of their bodies faster than men. This is because most of the work that really requires brute physical strength is done by men. Because of this, men’s muscles are known to remain more tight and flexible longer than those of the women. Aside from this, women also lose bone density faster than most men because of the rigors that they go through during childbirth, which could make them lose more calcium, thus leading to making their bones very fragile. Because of this, a woman’s body will begin to lose its flexibility during her thirties. However , this can be delayed by doing yoga exercises.

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