PTSD and Meditation

Today, there are a lot of things that help in keeping us
entertained. In the internet alone, there are a multitude
of websites that do such that like video sharing sites,
gaming sites and other websites which cater to our
interests. This, at times, can be a detour to our healing.

While there is nothing wrong with entertaining ourselves, a
problem arises with our constant need for distractions.
Because of that, it becomes difficult for us to focus on
one thing.

We do not need to take extreme measures to help us focus.
There are practices which can do the job for us. It
includes the practice of meditation.

People take up meditation for different purposes and
improving concentration is one of them. There are several
methods by which meditation does its job.

One is through breathing exercises. Even an exercise that
is as simple as being aware of the times we inhale and
exhale can do wonders to our ability to concentrate.

While it may sound easy, it can be quite difficult
especially if one has to deal with distractions such as
outside noise.

At times my mind is like Grand Central Station.  Buddhist call this
"Monkey Mind"

Another method is by reciting a mantra. A mantra is a
phrase or a sound that is recited repeatedly. For
Catholics, praying the rosary is a form of a mantra.

The repetition becomes the center of the meditation to
which the person’s attention becomes focused.

There are other more methods by which meditation can help
improve concentration. However, the two mentioned above are
the most basic and could help beginners start out with the

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Rich Mind Life Strategy

Timothy Kendrick

PTSD: Pathways Through the Secret Door

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