Diffusing Fear Through Journaling

Diffusing Fear Through Journaling
We've explored various types of writing that will help you to transform your fear, but there is yet
another one: journaling. You may be familiar with the concept of keeping a ―diary,‖ but
journaling is slightly different.
A diary is often used to record your life events, but a journal is more about your feelings
regarding those events – especially the ―negative‖ feelings like fear, anger, grief, and so on.
There are many different ways to journal, and we will explore some of them below. However, as
with most of the techniques we have covered, there is plenty of room to personalize it to suit
your own preferences. Let your creativity lead you as you explore this powerful process.
Releasing the past.
One of the most trans formative methods of journaling is to explore the past events and
experiences that left you feeling powerless or frightened – and may still be affecting your life
For example, an incident of childhood sexual abuse may have created a strong fear response that
flares up whenever you attempt to form an intimate relationship as an adult. Exploring the pain,
guilt, shame, and anger relating to the sexual abuse can help greatly in purging those old
emotions and finally starting the healing process.
How to do it:
Simply grab your journal and a pen and start writing your thoughts about the experience(s), how
they made you feel when they happened, and how they still affect you now.
If the experiences involved another person (like an abuser), you can write letters directly to them
to voice your feelings, or you can simply write as if you were telling a story.
The most difficult part of this process is that the old pain and fear you felt years ago can
suddenly rise to the surface and threaten to overwhelm you again.
If this happens, try one or more of the techniques we covered previously to regain control.
However, the point is not to avoid feeling your feelings – but to process and purge them in
healthy, constructive ways.

Books By Timothy Kendrick


The Truth About Hypnosis

Panic Miracle


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