Are you holding yourself back?

How do you know when something is holding you back?
When you think of your past, does it fill you with regret, blame, sadness, fear or any heavy emotion that weighs you down?  If the answer is yes, that's a sign that you probably need to release what's weighing you down.
Do you feel hopeless, doubtful or a general sense of tiredness when you think of your life?  If the answer is yes, it's likely that you need to release what's draining your energy.
To the extent that limiting beliefs, heavy emotions and old wounds weigh you down, you're not free to move forward.  Heavy emotions, such as worry, jealousy and feeling offended, drain your energy and keep you stuck in the past.  You need plenty of energy to successfully create what you long for. That's why you must free yourself from inner demons.
Sometimes just becoming aware of negative thoughts can be enough to defeat them. There will be times, however, when awareness alone will not defeat your inner demons.  That's when releasing practices can help you.
Do You Know Your Energy Leaks?
Memories, people, events and ideas that deplete your energy are energy leaks.  They drain your life force.  More often, they rob you of energy in subtle ways over time.
If a close friend were to ask you what your energy leaks are, what would you say?  It comes back again to awareness.
To change your reality, you must know yourself intimately.  You need to know your strengths and weaknesses.  We all have energy leaks.  Some people have more than others, but we all need to work on ourselves.
Whether you need to let go of self-pity, regret, impatience or depression (to name a few), face each one, forgive and let go.  It does not empower you at all to rehash the past with judgment, regret or blame.  Take responsibility for your emotions and release those that weaken you.
What Will You Gain By Stopping Your Energy Leaks?
When you stop your energy leaks, you build up your energy and can alter your destiny.  You put yourself in a place of power by choosing strength over weakness.  It's always up to you to choose what gives you strength.
By growing your inner power, you gain benefits on all levels.  Remember, the physical and spiritual worlds are interconnected.
As our energy increases, even in small degrees, we're more likely to have insights, to see new possibilities, to feel stronger and experience more optimism.  We shift energetically, just as water changes when exposed to certain thoughts.
When that happens, we tend to increasingly draw resources and people into our lives that will help us.  Our probable future changes as we change our inner world.

Books By Timothy Kendrick


The Truth About Hypnosis

Panic Miracle


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Timothy Kendrick

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