Your 4th Mind Technique!

Your  Ideal Day
5-Step Action Plan!"

... Yes, of course it's F'ree :-)

You can find it Here. 

Then come back to this email to  pick up:
Your 4th Mind Technique! 

Today I'll show you the huge benefits  of using
'Repetitive Writing'.

Aaaargh! Now stay with me here...

The Repetitive Writing mind technique  is not as
'exciting' as some of the other  techniques, but
its benefits far outweigh the 10 minutes that it
will take you to  complete this task!

Writing out your desires over and over  again will
further influence your  subconscious mind -- which
if you haven't  guessed by now is the KEY to
achieving all  your desires and dreams. Yes, all
of them!

This mind technique takes different aspects  from:

1) Affirmation Imprinting (creating  powerful,
effective statements of your  desired outcomes..

2) Subliminal Messaging (flooding your
subconscious mind every day with your  desired
outcomes) and..

3) Ideal Day Generation (unleashing the  magic of
writing down your thoughts and  feelings)....

Like I said earlier, the actual 'process'  of
writing down your statements will  become boring
very quickly.  

I urge you to do it anyway.  

Is brushing your teeth fun?  Hardly,  but you do
it anyway because you want  your teeth to be and
feel healthy (and  to avoid the drill next time
you visit  the dentist!)

It seems that mean old 3rd grade teacher ALMOST
got it right....

She, like most people using affirmations,
structured the statements incorrectly.   She
focused on the negative.

Like when she told you to write the  sentence "I
will not talk in class" fifty  times on the

As you already know, the subconscious sees  in
images and can't visualize the word "not."  

In the example I just gave you, all it  recognizes
and "sees" are images of "I",  "talk", and "in

The well-meaning teacher thereby "reinforces  the
exact opposite behavior than she had  intended".  

And guess what happened the next day?  

You got in trouble for talking in class  again!
And how did the teacher discipline  you?  

You guessed it.  She had you writing those
sentences again, unknowingly reinforcing  your
negative behavior!

As you know, to re-program your mind  effectively
with 'positive' behaviors,  I wholeheartedly
recommend the success  accelerator videos.

Imagine having thousands of positive  life
altering affirmations flooding your  subconscious
mind every day?

It's very powerful. 

So let's now put this information into  practical


STEP 1:  Just Three...

Pick a maximum of three behaviors you  would like
to change.

Ideally, you would want to work on just  one
first, until you started to see your  intended
desires materialize, before  moving onto other

And if you really want to accelerate the  process,
pick the same goal as the one  you are working on
with your Affirmation  Imprinting.

STEP 2:  Meet the 3 "P's"

Make sure that your sentence is formatted

This is the exact same step you used when  you
created your affirmations.  

To recap, your sentence should be personal,
positive, and present tense.

STEP 3:  A private book

Buy a spiral notebook.  You will be using  this to
write your sentences in.  Having  a central place
is much more effective  than writing on whatever
scrap of paper  you happen to find.  

Sometimes you won't remember if you wrote  your
sentences out that morning or not.   Having one
place to look to find out will  solve this.

STEP 4:  Make your statement 'real'

Write the date at the top of the page  and write
your sentence over and over  again on each line
until it fills up  the entire page.   

An average spiral notebook is between  25-30 lines
per page side.

From personal experience I find this to  be the
perfect amount of times to write  your sentence.

You will do this exercise first thing  each
morning, and then again just before  going to
sleep at night.  

Once your subconscious mind fully absorbs  the
statement you are trying to send it  and provides
you with the tools to make  it a reality -- only
then would you  start with your next desired

** Remember**: Repetition influences your
subconscious  mind - and influencing your
subconscious  belief system (with your desired
outcome)  is the golden *key* to reaching your
goals  and dreams.

This is why subliminal messaging can  have such a
powerful - and unexpected  impact on people's

In the next lesson, we will learn about  one of my
all-time favorite Mind  techniques:  "Creative

Take care,
Richard A. Luck
Success Accelerator Subliminal Videos

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Rich Mind Life Strategy

Timothy Kendrick

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