Universal Life Secrets

Chris D'Cruz is a confident man. Why do I say that? Because on UniversalLifeSecrets.com he makes no qualms about offering you "god-like" powers which will enable you to create your own reality as you see fit.
I'm not kidding, that's almost word-for-word what he says on his site.
He promises to show you secrets that will give you greater personal power, power that will give you, amongst other things, the ability to influence ANYONE to do your bidding. He even mentions somewhere about the "Jedi Mind Trick", and for all you Star Wars fans out there, you'll know how impressive the "Jedi Mind Trick" can be.
The problem here is that the "Jedi Mind Trick" is supposed to be fictional, but Chris D'Cruz promises that you'll have that very ability once you learn the secrets he'll reveal to you.
Now, I don't know about you, but the thought of mastering such a powerful (albeit fictional) ability makes me wary of everything else he has to say. But as a self-help product reviewer I have to keep an open mind no matter what, and so I read everything else he had to say with regards to Universal Life Secrets.
Upon browsing the site you'll find that his promises does seem a little exaggerated, and you almost feel as though he's offering the entire universe for you to control. Who else in your entire life has made you the promise of "god-like" powers?
Yet, as you read on, you can't help but be intrigued by the man's confidence. You find his promises a little absurd in his exaggerations, but at the same time you wonder why he's willing to back his promises with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee. If it's a scam why bother offering to give your money back?
That was the exact thought I had by the time I was done reading the entire site. I figured if it was all just an elaborate scam there wouldn't be any sort of guarantee, what more one that lasts up to 2 whole months.
So I ended up giving Universal Life Secrets a try.
I was quite surprised to discover that those exaggerated promises weren't so exaggerated after all. What Chris D'Cruz has managed to do is that he has come up with what may just be the most comprehensive set of documents with relation to acquiring great personal and sexual power.
These secrets are actually techniques on how a person can become greater than they already are by building on their personal strengths and achievements, and how one can become a commanding and authoritative figure that has the ability to influence practically anyone. It's a must-have for anyone who has had self-esteem issues, or simply looking to be more confident in both their personal and professional lives.
Other than empowering individuals, Universal Life Secrets also reveals knowledge on a more intimate subject: Sex. Chris teaches some of the best techniques you can apply before you get a woman to bed, and after you get her into bed. Basically he gives you the secrets to acquiring a confidence that will have you attracting any woman (or women) you fancy, and then impressing her (or them) with a sexual confidence and skills that even the original Don Juan may be envious of.
Personally I think Universal Life Secrets is a rare gem amongst all other self help products out there. Not only does it set itself apart from the others with its grand promises, but it also delivers every step of the way.
Definitely worth a try.

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