Positive Thinking and Body Language

Body language is something that we are not often aware of, but it sometimes can say more than our words ever could. That is why it is so important to pay attention to body language and always be aware of what it is saying to others.

Body language is the movements of your body, the way you hold your body, and facial expressions, including eye movement. It often corresponds with our attitudes and sometimes contradicts what our words are saying.

When our body language and our words do not match (congruency), people are likely to believe the body language as it is often an unconscious thing that gives away the truth.

When you are trying to implement positive thinking in your life, you also have to implement positive body language. When you are truly committed to a positive way of thinking then your body language will follow. However, if you are not whole-heartedly into positive thinking your body language could give you away.

It is very important that when you want to put positive thinking to work in your life that you become aware of your body language. You may actual want to learn a little about body language so that you can recognize negative body language and not let it interfere with your positive thinking and attitude.

A great example of how body language can affect others and reflect your inner feelings is the smile. It is likely that you have smiled at a stranger before.

What happened? Probably what happened is that they smiled back. Do you know that smile probably prompted them to smile at someone else and so on with your smile becoming contagious? I call this the "what you give you get to keep" syndrome. It must be mentioned here the domino effect.

One smile you give a stranger could prove to be just the motivation someone needs to be cheerful that day instead of grumpy. You never know the distance your one small act of kindness will travel or the people it will touch. I believe what Andy Andrews says. "Every move you make and every action you take matters".

A smile is powerful body language.

It is also common when you approach a situation in a cheerful manner with positive body language that you end up having a positive experience. People are more likely to help you and to go out of their way to make sure you get what you need when you approach things in a positive manner.

You should definitely learn about body language and make sure you avoid negative body language. It will take some effort at first until you train your body not use negative body language.

Body language can be a dead give away that your true feelings are not positive. That is why part of positive thinking involves positive body language.

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