Dedication From My Book PTSD: Pathways Through The Secret Door

I wish to dedicate this book to several people who have given me inspiration in my struggles. My wife, Brenda, a.k.a. “Tutz”.  You have stood by me through thick and thin.  I cannot express in words how you have helped with your love and kindness.   Behind every man there is a great woman (with a boot at the backside when needed). Dr. Williams, whom I would have never known what, was wrong with me without his knowledge and expertise.  Dr. Milos Subervi, who has been a measuring stick for me, my thoughts and ideas.
I wish to thank the gazillion doctors that I educated through my insane behaviors, drunken binges, and bouts of rage including pride, lust, anger greed gluttony envy and sloth. We both learned something in the process over the past 15 years. Gratitude is also expressed to every employer that fired me or that I told to “stick it”. I learned burning bridges can be a positive motivating force.
Special thanks to my wrestling heroes who allowed me to live vicariously through them.  It is truly “my soap opera”. Linda and Vince McMahan, who I have never met, but I learned how to turn “a negative into a positive” by there visions. You will never know what it meant to me to hear “Summer Slam” in Somalia in 1993 over the AFRTS radio live. Dusty Rhodes, “The American Dream”, I learned it is okay to be different, thank you. Kevin Nash, who was always a shit to me when we were in Basic Training together but I knew you would be a star and set a standard somewhere.  I always looked up to you.  Not because of your height, because of your class, and the way you were then and have been throughout your career and the care you take in “keeping it real” and helping the young guys. Ric Flair, who proved there is no traffic along the extra mile. Bobo Brazil (RIP) when I was a kid, Ed Farhat, a.k.a.“The Sheik”(RIP) who would scare the crap out of the devil himself.  Jarrett promotions, for allowing me to be a ring announcer in 1986 for one special night in Clarksville Tn. Bill Dundee for understanding that I knew how to “pay my respects” when I was in the locker room with the boys before the show. Hulk Hogan, or as dream calls you “yellow finger” The old Cap Center in Landover Md. (I thought the ceiling was going to collapse circa 1985) There is no greater gift to give than to touch ones soul.  That night like many others you did just that. Rowdy Roddy Piper and anyone who has allowed “marks” like me to escape as we watched you in “the squared circle”.
Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Joseph Murphy, Brian Tracy, Tom Hopkins. Thank you.  Finally, Paul Miceli, a friend who is always there and has been through think and thin.

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Author Timothy Kendrick


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