PTSD from Domestic Violence

Most people think of PTSD as something that young soldiers get from combat and too many deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan. But many of the streets and homes in the U.S. are as violent as combat zones in the deserts and cities of Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan. And this domestic violence will not end when all of our troops are safely back home.

Every nine seconds in the US a woman is assaulted or beaten. Over 500,000 women are raped each year in the United States. PTSD from abuse and PTSD from domestic violence and similar traumatic stress related symptoms and conditions are caused by these kinds of assaults.

Most domestic violence is not reported much less acknowledged or treated as traumatic stress. If you�ve been the victim of this kind of assault or been raped or threatened with death or violent harm, you could well be currently suffering from traumatic stress or full blown PTSD just as if you had served multiple deployments in a combat area.

To you, your home or neighborhood may be filled with as much tension, expectation of injury or death from a spouse, or ex-spouse, boyfriend or just an acquaintance or relative as any forward station in Afghanistan. It�s not just the events that create the stress; it�s the constant expectation of violence and harm that also does so much damage.

Just saying "no" is useless. Hoping for something to change can get you killed. Get out fast.

Every guideline or recommendation in the domestic violence literature says to get away from the situation as fast as you can and find a safe place. There is usually no �fixing� the perpetrator, no change of heart that will occur. Just get out, get out fast, and find a safe place. is not a shelter or organization that physically cares for women who have escaped a violent situation or domestic violence. It is not a chat group or a support group where women may find support and comfort. But it is a secure and safe site where victims of domestic violence can begin to find relief from some of the PTSD from abuse and PTSD from domestic violence and similar psychological damage that has occurred. offers real and lasting relief for traumatic stress.

People who used the program featuring Eye Movement Memory Processing� (EMMP)� reported, on average, a 43% reduction in PTSD symptoms and traumatic stress found in victims of traumatic events like combat, domestic violence, assault, sexual abuse, urban violence, and rape.

The user on creates her own private user name and password. She never discloses any information on the nature, details, source, or degree of the traumatic event she has suffered. There is no therapist. No name or personal information is ever required. All sessions are anonymous. The program is self-directed and inter-active. The user follows the instructions and activities directed by the computer.

It's hard to talk to someone you don�t know about something traumatic that is terribly personal and at times, overwhelming in its violence, horror and loss. EMMP works better because people with traumatic stress aren�t required to identify themselves in any way or �bare their souls� and discuss incredibly painful memories with a therapist who they don�t really know or with whom there is no established relationship.

More sessions may be needed for optimal results for PTSD from abuse and PTSD from domestic violence. Program users who have experienced many traumatic events over a long period of time (long-term abusive relationships) may require a higher number of sessions to achieve results in reducing their anxiety and stress.

EMMP sessions work very fast, processing even the most difficult memories in a short time-frame; research shows relief is lasting.



©2011, Inc. All Right Reserved United States Patent Pending EMMP�

Jeff Eastman is founder of, an online provider of computer therapy for traumatic stress including PTSD.

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Timothy Kendrick

PTSD: Pathways Through the Secret Door

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Author Timothy Kendrick


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