Does Your Shadow Love You?

Does your shadow love you?

The psychologist, Carl Jung, described hidden part of our psyche as
"the shadow". It's the part that sometimes frightens us with the things
we don't know, or don't want to know about ourselves.

It is essencially our unconscious mind telling us what it wants.
Sometimes it comes in dreams, other times and a welling up of emotion.

I Just had some thoughts about this so-called "dark" side and how it
applies to learning mind control.

Some people are so oppressed that showing any interest in this shadow
side creates fear if for no better reason than it's what you were told
not to do.

We all are likely to remember the voice of Darth Vader saying "Come to
the Dark Side, Luke!"

That shadow side exists and many, many, MANY people will tell you to
destroy it. To destroy your passions, wants, needs and desires. THey
will plead with us to connect with something higher that we can only
dream and guess about.

They offer us something greater without really being clear on what it

Their hope is that if we give up everything that makes us animals we
will become more Human, or perhaps we might even become Divine.

We can dream.

But do we dream at the cost of denying what we want right here and now?

In a society (family/relationship) that endeavors to control and
oppress in one way or another sometimes the "shadow" side of us is the
most healthy and doing the forbidden, i.e., loving your shadow is the
best thing that you can do for yourself.

They present it like an either/or proposition. Should it be?

By embracing the fact that we are animals (prove to me you don't have a
genetic make up and I'll believe otherwise) and still reaching upwards
perhaps we can come to a middle and sensible ground.

See the game of life and politics, i.e. mind control, as part of the
Big Picture and one can walk Wide Awake with feet firmly planted on the
ground and still reaching upwards.

It's the best of both worlds.

Why would you want less?

Click here to learn more about how to effectively use mind control in
your favor.


How Can I Solve My Problem? The answer is "information" ... ... and the information is here!

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Rich Mind Life Strategy

Timothy Kendrick

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