What Causes People to Feel Upset
There is many things that can make people upset. When people get upset it is normally because someone has hurt their feeling. It doesn’t feel good when you are upset. Other reasons people feel upset is that they lack the skills they need to improve their life. Each day they may struggle to find answers, yet the answers seem out of their reach. They may wander through life asking other people what is wrong with them, when all they had to do in the first place is reach deep within where they would find the answers to resolve their problems. They lack self-mastery skills.
Because most people's emotions are sensitive, many things can cause a person to feel upset. People often feel sad, or hurt when someone calls them names, yet the names they are called is often not the root of the real problem.
What are some things that might get someone upset?
Just think about it when you hear someone talk to about your or even call you names that are not good ones. How does this make you feel? You may think that this person is not your friend. Truly, if the person calls you names, then they are not your friend, but if that person gives, you sound advice and you become angry...then you are not the friend. Therefore, what do you do when this happens all you can do is walk away or try to talk to them. May when you talk to them you will be able to find out why they are doing this to you. Often you have to let go of the negative and get with positive people to help you develop self-mastery skills.
Another thing that might make you upset or feel blue would be if your child would call you out of your name this isn’t a good thing. We are there for our children though thick and thin. Then to have your child call you out of your name would just tear you up. Therefore, what should you do when this happens to you? I would think when something like this happens to you that you should sit down and have a talk to them. Maybe a good grounding is in order. It depends how bad they have hurt your feelings.
What should you do if some one at work upsets you? If this should happen then you have some other choices that you are able to do. The first thing that you should do is talk to that person and finds out why they are making you upset. If this doesn’t help then going to your boss or Forman and asking to talk to them, you are going to want to explain why you are feeling up set and ask them to do something to help you. Maybe they will be able to talk to them and help to get the answers your want to get.
What are you going to do if you’re not able to pay your bills? When you are not able to pay your bills, you’re going to feel inadequate. You have to pay your bills in order to be able to live so what do you do when this happens. When this happens to you then you might want to see about making some kind of payment plans this works a lot of times, if your not able to do this then maybe a close friend or even a family member can help you though times like this is want friends and family is all about help when in need.
When you get up set, you’re going to have to remember that you will need to stay calm. If you’re not able to do this then you might want to stay away from that person that get you all upset, just until your able to talk to them to explain how you are feeling
How Can I Solve My Problem? The answer is "information" ... ... and the information is here!
Timothy Kendrick is a Retired Army Combat Veteran who served in Panama, Somalia, Operation Iraqi Freedom and various other wonderful places in the world. Timothy works with Veterans, Athletes, and Entertainers all over the world helping them to overcome their own personal challenges while rebuilding their lives. He is the author of 7 books and over 1100 articles on PTSD Bipolar, Depression and Self Empowerment.
Do you have the power to accept the matters you are able to change and the things you can't change? Do you have the power to accept that others may alter them, instead of you altering them? Do you admit that you are who you are, no matter what other people think? Can you accept the many changes that come about in your life?
If you replied yes to one or all of these questions then you're off to a good start on bettering your life. If you're willing to accept, you've the power to laugh, even when something isn't funny. For example, if somebody pushed you, you may stand back and laugh. The push is only a threat to your emotion, which you'll see, accept and discover a way to gain command of the situation.
When you are able to accept matters in life, including you and other people you discover a way to take charge. When you're in command, it helps you to see how you are able to better your life. When you learn to accept you'll learn to discover you.
Individualism is personal. Philosophers over generalize this matter. Many individuals in the world believe that when we act the same way at all times, we have demonstrated our identity. Politically incorrect! We have emotions, views, behaviors, actions, and have been overrun by a world of influences both great and foul. Every day we'll feel something new, which causes our personality to reflect on these alterations.
Consequently, when you see somebody laughing one minute and shouting the next, you're seeing a shift in emotions, which is a normal rule of identity for this individual. Unless the person’s views alter, behaviors change dramatically, acquaintances change regularly, and so forth, and you're watching common behaviors.
We live in a domain that desensitizes us. We're surrounded by billions of influences on TV, in the media, on radio, in homes, government, schools and so on. Each to their own, but everybody is judging somebody at some time, which is something we must accept. We can't change these people’s behaviors and way of believing, but we may change ours. This is a part of discovering and accepting. The best way around the world is to become your own influence and let other influences make another persons life miserable. Only trust in sources that prove honest with their actions, behaviors and words. Positive reflections are the key to living more pleased.
Once you learn to accept you'll be eager to smile. For example, if somebody makes you mad you'll see the humor in his or her actions. You might see the wit in your actions if you make an error and feed into their foolishness.
Once you begin to discover the humor in life, you'll feel better within. We're involved in a rambunctious world filled with greedy individuals, envious souls, lusty tigers, etc. We must learn how to work around these individuals, accept us and march on. Once you learn to change to better you, others might follow. Good behavior has proven far better than words to encourage other people to change.
As you grow you'll feel a fresh hunger, and that hunger will guide you to find fresh ways to better you. Eventually as you begin to feel better, you'll see a need to work out, eat right, and hang out with positive influences etc. Once you feel this hunger, you'll feel inspired to labor to accomplish your goals.
How Can I Solve My Problem? The answer is "information" ... ... and the information is here!
If you replied yes to one or all of these questions then you're off to a good start on bettering your life. If you're willing to accept, you've the power to laugh, even when something isn't funny. For example, if somebody pushed you, you may stand back and laugh. The push is only a threat to your emotion, which you'll see, accept and discover a way to gain command of the situation.
When you are able to accept matters in life, including you and other people you discover a way to take charge. When you're in command, it helps you to see how you are able to better your life. When you learn to accept you'll learn to discover you.
Individualism is personal. Philosophers over generalize this matter. Many individuals in the world believe that when we act the same way at all times, we have demonstrated our identity. Politically incorrect! We have emotions, views, behaviors, actions, and have been overrun by a world of influences both great and foul. Every day we'll feel something new, which causes our personality to reflect on these alterations.
Consequently, when you see somebody laughing one minute and shouting the next, you're seeing a shift in emotions, which is a normal rule of identity for this individual. Unless the person’s views alter, behaviors change dramatically, acquaintances change regularly, and so forth, and you're watching common behaviors.
We live in a domain that desensitizes us. We're surrounded by billions of influences on TV, in the media, on radio, in homes, government, schools and so on. Each to their own, but everybody is judging somebody at some time, which is something we must accept. We can't change these people’s behaviors and way of believing, but we may change ours. This is a part of discovering and accepting. The best way around the world is to become your own influence and let other influences make another persons life miserable. Only trust in sources that prove honest with their actions, behaviors and words. Positive reflections are the key to living more pleased.
Once you learn to accept you'll be eager to smile. For example, if somebody makes you mad you'll see the humor in his or her actions. You might see the wit in your actions if you make an error and feed into their foolishness.
Once you begin to discover the humor in life, you'll feel better within. We're involved in a rambunctious world filled with greedy individuals, envious souls, lusty tigers, etc. We must learn how to work around these individuals, accept us and march on. Once you learn to change to better you, others might follow. Good behavior has proven far better than words to encourage other people to change.
As you grow you'll feel a fresh hunger, and that hunger will guide you to find fresh ways to better you. Eventually as you begin to feel better, you'll see a need to work out, eat right, and hang out with positive influences etc. Once you feel this hunger, you'll feel inspired to labor to accomplish your goals.
How Can I Solve My Problem? The answer is "information" ... ... and the information is here!
It Doesn't Get Any Easier Later, It Just Get's Later
War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it. Every attempt to make war easy and safe will result in humiliation and defeat. If the people raise a great howl against my barbarity and cruelty, I will answer that war is war. It is not popularity-seeking. War is, at best, barbarism. War is the remedy our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them all they want. There is many a young man here today who thinks that war is all glamour and glory; but let me tell you, boys, it is all Hell!"
- General William T.Sherman.
"There are no spectator seats in an ambush." It is the only way I could psychologically justify many of my actions during war.
To look back at our lives and try or discover why certain things happened can be what I call an enhancer. It expands my references and may explain some of my actions that have made me what I am today.
1 out of 4 returning veterans with PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder will commit suicide. 1 out of 4, freaking astonishing!!!.
I personally preferred for awhile what I call "suicide on the installment plan". This is where one drinks massive quantities of alcohol and prodigious amount of pills until you shoot yourself or just die. Well I couldn't bring my self to shoot myself (i enjoyed the pain too much) I was in Latin America and my friend finds me in my hooch with and empty bottle of brandy and pills and says "do you think you need some help" I thought "no I'm killing myself just fine thank you".
Like a wounded animal I had crawled off to die by myself. Someone had found me, not my plan This was in the late 90's so back to the hospital I go for the umpteenth time. It was a nice four walled place in Panama City, Panama.
I had seen death in Africa years before and it haunted me. Ahh but my ego would not permit me to deal with it in "positive constructive matter".
I had friends who ended it in their own way. Hell, I hand nothing I thought at the time to live for. A paternity suit, the IRS, I'd look in the mirror and after all the "pats on the back", all I saw was the angel of darkness and me running. I was flat broke.
I was drinking brandy because it was dirt cheap where I was at. God awful nasty but it did its job. I ate when my body made me. Once again I thought, "you chickenshit, you can't even kill yourself right".
This began my journey into self awareness. I searched for meaning in my life. It was like when the astronaut "Buzz" Aldrin came back from walking on the moon. He felt like "how do I top that". "Buzz" crawled into depression and a bottle for many years. Hell, Neil Armstrong refused to talk to any media for over 2 decades. I never walked on the moon though I lived through things that some could not even imagine living through. I was addicted to it and I loved every minute when "the sht was hitting the fan and I was in the middle of it. Then I knew peace, an eerie peace, the senses, and the awareness.
The awareness THAT was what I was looking for.
The awareness was never found in a bottle of booze or pills. I only discovered it in Iraq after bull@itting my way back to a Department of Defense job. I had to see the beast (war) that fed me for so long again.
What I was doing to that point was not working. In 7 years I had 23 jobs. This was from 1998-2003. I was flat ass broke, on the verge of losing everything including my wife. I had to get that job with the DOD (they knew I was crazy so I got it). Next thing after 2 tours I'm out of my mind and found drunk in the back of a Iraqi bus. My boss, (who I thought was a prick). Says to me. (After he gave me a rash of sht). You're done aren't you? I said yes I'm done. That was it he helped me out of the bus. They got me out of country quickly, Funny just like 10 years before in Mogadishu. This time I'm on a C-5 just like 10 years ago. Wow what a coincidence I think. I had gotten pretty good at lying to doctors so in Kuwait I lied again and they bought it. If not, it was a one way ticket to Landstuhl Hospital in Germany in the psyche ward.
I had finally gotten to a point of enough leverage (pain) that It became a "must" to find solutions if not only for myself but for others who may have these same issues. This is how my first book "PTSD: Pathways Through the Secret Door" came about.
The secret door is our mind. It is not what happens to us, it is what happens within us that matters. It is unlocking and opening doors within our subconscious mind and tapping into our full potential as human beings. Learning that Living is Giving and our mission on this earth is not complete, well until it is complete
How Can I Solve My Problem? The answer is "information" ... ... and the information is here!
What Are Hypnotic Language Patterns
What are hypnotic language patterns?

How Can I Solve My Problem? The answer is "information" ... ... and the information is here!
What are hypnotic language patterns?
Language is an interesting thing. The most amazing thing isn't that we
get confused by it but that we're able to use it so well without
Language is such a powerful tool that, in skilled hands, it can be used
to persuade, motivate, seduce and even harm.
That's right, in skilled hands (or mouths?) language can even create
addictions and depression.
This power comes from learning what are called hypnotic language
Hypnotic language patterns came out of the studies of hypnosis,
psychology and sales. When language patterns were first
discovered the psychotherapy community realized that they could be used
inappropriately. They then made a sincere effort to limit instruction
of language patterns only to psychiatrists willing to pay $2000 for the
weekend training.
These language patterns entered the popular culture with weekend long
“seduction seminars” that began to spring up to
teach lonely and clueless men how talk women into an uncontrollable
state of arousal.
Now before you start to roll your eyes in disbelief let me tell you
that these language patterns did just that! There are scores of now
satisfied men who will attest to their power.
An example of these seduction patterns is one in which the man simple
begins talking to a woman about emotions and feelings that precede
arousal. There is nothing lurid or suggestive about this because it's
not about arousal or sex itself. At an unconscious level it sets the
stage for warm tingly feelings that might elicit a tilt of the head, a
smile and a flirtatious glance.
Seduction is only one side of how language patterns are being
used. They are of course very useful in sales and influence
and many a politician have hired speech writers who training in these
powerful tools. Ronald Reagan wasn't known as “The Teflon
President” without reason. He could woo and amuse the most
uninterested audience by using language. Likewise in spite of the
scandals around him Bill Clinton always was able to be liked as a
In recent years there have even been language pattern trainings that
emphasize how to use language to induce guilt, depression and suicide.
While these trainers have been condemned for “turning to the
dark side” there is no limit of people wanting to learn.
These language patterns often begin by painting the dark picture of the
future and describe feelings of hopelessness and despair.
But the genie is out of the bottle now and people who want power,
whether it's to help or to harm, are attending seminars and trainings
as well as reading the many books on the subject.
To conclude, never underestimate the power of words. They are used on
you in ways that you might never imagine.
Language is an interesting thing. The most amazing thing isn't that we
get confused by it but that we're able to use it so well without
Language is such a powerful tool that, in skilled hands, it can be used
to persuade, motivate, seduce and even harm.
That's right, in skilled hands (or mouths?) language can even create
addictions and depression.
This power comes from learning what are called hypnotic language
Hypnotic language patterns came out of the studies of hypnosis,
psychology and sales. When language patterns were first
discovered the psychotherapy community realized that they could be used
inappropriately. They then made a sincere effort to limit instruction
of language patterns only to psychiatrists willing to pay $2000 for the
weekend training.
These language patterns entered the popular culture with weekend long
“seduction seminars” that began to spring up to
teach lonely and clueless men how talk women into an uncontrollable
state of arousal.
Now before you start to roll your eyes in disbelief let me tell you
that these language patterns did just that! There are scores of now
satisfied men who will attest to their power.
An example of these seduction patterns is one in which the man simple
begins talking to a woman about emotions and feelings that precede
arousal. There is nothing lurid or suggestive about this because it's
not about arousal or sex itself. At an unconscious level it sets the
stage for warm tingly feelings that might elicit a tilt of the head, a
smile and a flirtatious glance.
Seduction is only one side of how language patterns are being
used. They are of course very useful in sales and influence
and many a politician have hired speech writers who training in these
powerful tools. Ronald Reagan wasn't known as “The Teflon
President” without reason. He could woo and amuse the most
uninterested audience by using language. Likewise in spite of the
scandals around him Bill Clinton always was able to be liked as a
In recent years there have even been language pattern trainings that
emphasize how to use language to induce guilt, depression and suicide.
While these trainers have been condemned for “turning to the
dark side” there is no limit of people wanting to learn.
These language patterns often begin by painting the dark picture of the
future and describe feelings of hopelessness and despair.
But the genie is out of the bottle now and people who want power,
whether it's to help or to harm, are attending seminars and trainings
as well as reading the many books on the subject.
To conclude, never underestimate the power of words. They are used on
you in ways that you might never imagine.
How Can I Solve My Problem? The answer is "information" ... ... and the information is here!
Does Your Shadow Love You?
Does your shadow love you?

How Can I Solve My Problem? The answer is "information" ... ... and the information is here!
The psychologist, Carl Jung, described hidden part of our psyche as
"the shadow". It's the part that sometimes frightens us with the things
we don't know, or don't want to know about ourselves.
It is essencially our unconscious mind telling us what it wants.
Sometimes it comes in dreams, other times and a welling up of emotion.
I Just had some thoughts about this so-called "dark" side and how it
applies to learning mind control.
Some people are so oppressed that showing any interest in this shadow
side creates fear if for no better reason than it's what you were told
not to do.
We all are likely to remember the voice of Darth Vader saying "Come to
the Dark Side, Luke!"
That shadow side exists and many, many, MANY people will tell you to
destroy it. To destroy your passions, wants, needs and desires. THey
will plead with us to connect with something higher that we can only
dream and guess about.
They offer us something greater without really being clear on what it
Their hope is that if we give up everything that makes us animals we
will become more Human, or perhaps we might even become Divine.
We can dream.
But do we dream at the cost of denying what we want right here and now?
In a society (family/relationship) that endeavors to control and
oppress in one way or another sometimes the "shadow" side of us is the
most healthy and doing the forbidden, i.e., loving your shadow is the
best thing that you can do for yourself.
They present it like an either/or proposition. Should it be?
By embracing the fact that we are animals (prove to me you don't have a
genetic make up and I'll believe otherwise) and still reaching upwards
perhaps we can come to a middle and sensible ground.
See the game of life and politics, i.e. mind control, as part of the
Big Picture and one can walk Wide Awake with feet firmly planted on the
ground and still reaching upwards.
It's the best of both worlds.
Why would you want less?
Click here to learn more about how to effectively use mind control in
your favor.
"the shadow". It's the part that sometimes frightens us with the things
we don't know, or don't want to know about ourselves.
It is essencially our unconscious mind telling us what it wants.
Sometimes it comes in dreams, other times and a welling up of emotion.
I Just had some thoughts about this so-called "dark" side and how it
applies to learning mind control.
Some people are so oppressed that showing any interest in this shadow
side creates fear if for no better reason than it's what you were told
not to do.
We all are likely to remember the voice of Darth Vader saying "Come to
the Dark Side, Luke!"
That shadow side exists and many, many, MANY people will tell you to
destroy it. To destroy your passions, wants, needs and desires. THey
will plead with us to connect with something higher that we can only
dream and guess about.
They offer us something greater without really being clear on what it
Their hope is that if we give up everything that makes us animals we
will become more Human, or perhaps we might even become Divine.
We can dream.
But do we dream at the cost of denying what we want right here and now?
In a society (family/relationship) that endeavors to control and
oppress in one way or another sometimes the "shadow" side of us is the
most healthy and doing the forbidden, i.e., loving your shadow is the
best thing that you can do for yourself.
They present it like an either/or proposition. Should it be?
By embracing the fact that we are animals (prove to me you don't have a
genetic make up and I'll believe otherwise) and still reaching upwards
perhaps we can come to a middle and sensible ground.
See the game of life and politics, i.e. mind control, as part of the
Big Picture and one can walk Wide Awake with feet firmly planted on the
ground and still reaching upwards.
It's the best of both worlds.
Why would you want less?
Click here to learn more about how to effectively use mind control in
your favor.
How Can I Solve My Problem? The answer is "information" ... ... and the information is here!
How To Make Yourself Miserable
How to Make Yourself Miserable

How Can I Solve My Problem? The answer is "information" ... ... and the information is here!
How to make decisions that
make you feel miserable.
Being miserable is quite simple:
* Ask a series of miserable questions of yourself like
"What could go wrong about today?"
"What do I have to feel guilty about?"
"Why do bad things always happen to me?"
"Why am I feeling so terrible?"
* Make vague and unreasonable expectations and goals.
By making a goal or expectation unreasonable you'll make it impossible
to achieve. By making them vague you'll never know exactly if you
achieve them and you'll always be able to say "No, that's not what I
* Think the worst first.
For any event that occurs you have a million ways of thinking about it.
Go for the worst possible interpretation. For example, if you walk into
a store and teenagers are outside laughing and smoking cigarettes they
are probably laughing at you.
* Cling to past hurts.
Progress can be easily inhibited when you use past hurt of slow you
down. These can take the form of lingering on why your life has been so
terrible or even by saying “We've never done it that way
before. Why start now?”
Why you might want to stop feeling miserable.
* Without a doubt misery is the number one cause of suicide. If you
want to live you want to get rid of your misery.
* You will have more power (much, much more) and control over your life
if you stop all the misery producing processes and take responsibility
for your life.
How to stop making miserable decisions.
* Set reasonable goals using the S.M.A.R.T. goals process. If you don't
know what this is do a google search.
* Know when your emotions are trying to influence away from your goals
and work to keep your focus.
* Agree to take responsibility for your life and especially for your
emotions. This is very hard work but very rewarding.
What you will have to give up when you stop making miserable decisions.
* You will have to give up on the belief that your suffering makes you
unique. The fact is suffering is ordinary and boring to most people.
We've all experienced it and there is little you can say about your
suffering that will make us think of you for very long. What is
exceptional and unique is someone who makes no excuses for their life
and decides to excel and feel joy AS A CHOICE.
* You will have to give up blame. This means blaming anyone or
anything. It means even giving up blaming yourself.
* You will have to give up on fear and timidity. Only boldness and
audacity can overcome a longstanding habit of misery.
Final note.
While all of this may seem vary callus and cold it's important to point
out that this is not an essay by which you should judge other people
but only yourself. Bad things do happen to good people and it's a good
idea to help them when you can. On the other hand, if you find someone
who is persistantly and habitually miserable it's generally a good idea
to keep your distance from them lest they infect you with their misery
and, beleive me, they can do that more easily than you think.
Click here to find out how to make GOOD decisions:
make you feel miserable.
Being miserable is quite simple:
* Ask a series of miserable questions of yourself like
"What could go wrong about today?"
"What do I have to feel guilty about?"
"Why do bad things always happen to me?"
"Why am I feeling so terrible?"
* Make vague and unreasonable expectations and goals.
By making a goal or expectation unreasonable you'll make it impossible
to achieve. By making them vague you'll never know exactly if you
achieve them and you'll always be able to say "No, that's not what I
* Think the worst first.
For any event that occurs you have a million ways of thinking about it.
Go for the worst possible interpretation. For example, if you walk into
a store and teenagers are outside laughing and smoking cigarettes they
are probably laughing at you.
* Cling to past hurts.
Progress can be easily inhibited when you use past hurt of slow you
down. These can take the form of lingering on why your life has been so
terrible or even by saying “We've never done it that way
before. Why start now?”
Why you might want to stop feeling miserable.
* Without a doubt misery is the number one cause of suicide. If you
want to live you want to get rid of your misery.
* You will have more power (much, much more) and control over your life
if you stop all the misery producing processes and take responsibility
for your life.
How to stop making miserable decisions.
* Set reasonable goals using the S.M.A.R.T. goals process. If you don't
know what this is do a google search.
* Know when your emotions are trying to influence away from your goals
and work to keep your focus.
* Agree to take responsibility for your life and especially for your
emotions. This is very hard work but very rewarding.
What you will have to give up when you stop making miserable decisions.
* You will have to give up on the belief that your suffering makes you
unique. The fact is suffering is ordinary and boring to most people.
We've all experienced it and there is little you can say about your
suffering that will make us think of you for very long. What is
exceptional and unique is someone who makes no excuses for their life
and decides to excel and feel joy AS A CHOICE.
* You will have to give up blame. This means blaming anyone or
anything. It means even giving up blaming yourself.
* You will have to give up on fear and timidity. Only boldness and
audacity can overcome a longstanding habit of misery.
Final note.
While all of this may seem vary callus and cold it's important to point
out that this is not an essay by which you should judge other people
but only yourself. Bad things do happen to good people and it's a good
idea to help them when you can. On the other hand, if you find someone
who is persistantly and habitually miserable it's generally a good idea
to keep your distance from them lest they infect you with their misery
and, beleive me, they can do that more easily than you think.
Click here to find out how to make GOOD decisions:
How Can I Solve My Problem? The answer is "information" ... ... and the information is here!
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