Coping Methods for Friends and Family Members of Those with Anxiety Disorders

The Giving Tree...Image by Lawrence OP via Flickr

Patients who have anxiety disorders will often find that dealing with their medical condition, but people who love those with anxiety disorders many find coping even more difficult. If you yourself do not have an anxiety disorder, it may be difficult to understand another person, and yet you must still offer full support. Here are some methods you can deal with a friend or family member that has an anxiety disorder.

First, learn all you can about anxiety disorders and your loved one’s specific condition. Anxiety disorders range from slight to very severe and can be caused by a number of things. When you understand what causes a certain condition and how it is treated, you can better help your loved one. You can look up information on the Internet, talk to your love one’s doctor or other medical professionals, read up on the latest news in professional journals and magazines, and purchase or borrow from the library books on the anxiety disorder affecting your. Knowledge about the subject will help you to understand the condition, even if you are not personally suffering from it.

Another way to deal with a loved one’s anxiety disorder is to join support groups. You may not benefit from a support group full of people who are suffering from the disorder, but you can absolutely look for support groups for family members of those suffering from anxiety disorders. If these sorts of support groups are not available, you can look for some devoted to friends and family members of people suffering from mental illnesses in general. Don’t be afraid to start you own as well! There are millions of people suffering from anxiety disorders, each with loved ones who would benefit from a support group. Contact your local community center or hospital in order to check if support group meetings are being offered.

When dealing with a loved one’s anxiety disorder, it is also important to remember to take care of you own health as well. Helping someone who is dealing with any kind of medical condition, including a mental illness, can be emotionally draining and physically difficult. Don’t be afraid to ask for your own medical help by talking to a doctor or therapist. The most important thing in your life should be your own physical, emotional, and mental health, because if you aren’t at your best, you can’t help anyone else with his or her medical problems either.

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Anonymous said...

Very interesting blog...!!!

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