Timothy Kendrick

As most of you know my passion for finding solutions for post-traumatic stress disorder takes me to many places (in my mind and otherwise).
A bulletin I posted earlier is from Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More by Dr. Joe Vitale and Ihaleakala Hew Len, PH.D

Self Identity through Ho`oponopono is about opening doors to greater understanding and deeper awareness of life and one's purpose as an individual incarnated on earth as an inhabitant of humanity.

You as a soul are precious. Knowingly and unknowingly you impact all about you through thoughts, words, deeds and actions.

Self Identity through Ho`oponopono is a process of letting go of toxic energies within you to allow the impact of Divine thoughts, words, deeds and actions.

Ho'oponopono means to make right.

Essentially, it means to make it right with the ancestors, or to make right with the people with whom you have relationships. I believe that the original purpose of Ho'oponopono was to correct the wrongs that had occurred in someone's life including Hala (to miss the thing aimed for, or to err, to disobey) and Hewa (to go overboard or to do something to excess) which were illusions, and even 'Ino (to do harm, implying to do harm to someone with hate in mind), even if accidental.

The main steps to this practice are to take resposibility for everything in your life. for instance Ihaleakala Hew Len, PH.D healed a whole ward of certified criminally insane patients without ever seeing one patient. He read there charts and over each chart stated the following.
"I'm sorry", "I Love you" "Please forgive me" and "God bless you" silently or aloud. This created a healing cleansing with DR. Hew Len.

It is a new perspective in everything I have studied to this point. I am amazed at the things that have happened to me in the last two days after practicing the principles of Ho'oponopono .

the Hawaiian Code of Forgiveness, and it's an important thought, because when we forgive others, who are we forgiving? Ourselves, of course.

There is much more and I hope, no I expect you to examine Ho'oponopono for yourself.

I operate my life and my relationships according to the following insights:

1. The physical universe is an actualization of my thoughts.
2. If my thoughts are cancerous, they create a cancerous physical reality.
3. If my thoughts are perfect, they create a physical reality brimming with LOVE.
4. I am 100% responsible for creating my physical universe the way it is.
5. I am 100% responsible for correcting the cancerous thoughts that create a diseased reality.
6. "There is no such thing as out there." Everything exists as thoughts in my mind and their feelings in my body.

THE BASIS OF Ho'oponopono:

We are 100% Responsible For The Problems of Others Who Come Before Us

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I too suffer from this monster! I would invite you to join us on www.iVeteran.US and bring your insight to all vets. We are starting a number of site of our new brothers and sisters and they could use your help.
This new site seeks to reconnect veterans where you could put your group in front of all veterans, have your own blogs, discussions, videos, etc, links to this great site.
We want to reconnect all veterans and let them share their ideas, organizations, blogs; a camaraderie of those who have been in harms way.
Hope to see you there

Rich Mind Life Strategy

Timothy Kendrick

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Author Timothy Kendrick


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