Wide Asleep Slumber no more…

Wide Asleep Slumber no more…
Excerpt from forthcoming book "Wide Asleep" copyright 2008 all rights reserved Timothy Kendrick

Why as human beings with so much untapped potential do we go through our everyday lives without even noticing a smile from a stranger?
How is it that we accept whatever happens as the norm and how is that we are so busy making a living instead of designing a life.
I hope to assist you in answering these questions and others throughout this book.
Let’s start with the obvious question? What makes me an “expert” or “specialist” on these subjects? Well, for more than 10 years I have studied my behavior along with countless others who have stumbled along the road most often traveled going where the masses go and doing what the masses do and the result was more often than not ending up in the same rut as the masses.
I found out that whether we like it or not we become the environment that we choose to be in. We accepted other B.S. (belief systems, thanks Tony). We followed the herd for fear of rejection. We are bombarded daily with mindless dribble from radio, TV and print advertising. The “weeds” in our subconscious feed off of the drama set forth from the previous examples. The weeds will grow regardless. We must learn to pull them.
We have a “gatekeeper”. It is our conscious minds ability to choose what we want to focus on. Believe me if you focus on anything with laser like precision you will bring it to you. This means success or failure.

When you Visualize, Crystallize
and when you Crystallize
you will Materialize.

What do you really want? Ask 100 people this question and 98 will not be able to give you an answer. I mean a deep down gut check, this is what I want, and this is how I’m going to get it and this is who I’m going to help so I can make it happen. The clearer the picture becomes in your mind the closer you are to achieving your goals. Write it down, cut pictures out of magazines, draw pictures, see yourself already achieving what you want. First you must know what it is.
It’s not what we want it is the feeling we get from it. I am here to tell you now that you can have that feeling anytime you want it.
Someday will never come, trust me. The average life expectancy on this earth is 25,500 days, that’s it 25,500 days. What gets you fired up and juiced with a burning passion that nothing can stop you.
If there is no passion in your life, simply put, you are not following your bliss and not doing what you are supposed to be doing. Ouch, hurts don’t it. This will help you move from pain to pleasure. This is what we do whether we wish to recognize it or not. Every action we take is an attempt for us to move from pain to pleasure from discomfort to comfort.

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Timothy Kendrick

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Author Timothy Kendrick


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