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Behind the Walls of the Mind
Behind the walls of the mind stands a very complex issue that is in constant study. We have people of all sorts, including mentally ill, so-called normal minds, geniuses and so forth. The mind has been known to play tricks on us, let us down, skip to another level and so forth. It seems with the battle between the brain and self there is never a winning ticket. The truth is the mind holds the key to all areas of your body, but the central nervous system is the channel to the brain. In most instances if the brain is affected is a direct result of the central nervous system and spinal column. If the spinal column is out of line or injured then it will affect the nervous system, which works its way toward the brain. Once the brain is hit, the troubles begin and often do not quite until someone finds out the source of the problem. There are many people today suffering from head injuries, disorders, cognitive disorders, diseases of the mind, and so on. The problems increase as the years go by. In my research, studies, case studies, and so forth I found that people that visited Chiropractors were often healthier than those that did not. When a doctor focuses on the spine, which is a direct link to the brain, results often occur.
Scientists are often searching for solutions to understand the different mental illnesses, diseases and physical impairments. They often run in every direction and sometimes the answer is lying in front of them. The problem is everyone has opinions, theories, and guesses and many of them are ignoring the voices that call out with expertise and experience. Recently there were major controversial issues regarding Medicaid and Chiropractor services. For a short time, the Chiropractors were not qualified to take Medicaid Patients, yet many doctors has treated some of the same people and found no answer to fix the many problems. While most people believe that Chiropractors work only with the physical portion of the body, they fail to see that these experts also work with the minds everyday. Let’s examine ADHD/ADD patients. In most instances, a part of the nervous system, spine and brain is the leading cause of the symptoms of this diagnose. Most mental health experts will offer the patients drugs, which only covers the symptoms and is often causing other problems including, psychosis, and schizophrenia symptoms. The MIND…Now if these people were treating the mind without drugs, and using natural herbs and spinal practices, what would happen? First, there would be no schizophrenia and psychosis induced patients or at least it would be minimal. Let’s look at Bipolar. The patient is often suffering as a direct result of Chemical Imbalances and most mental health experts will place the patient on antidepressants, which leads to strokes, heart problems, early-induced changes of life and so forth. If a specialist that knows the spine, nervous system and the brain treated the patients, what would happen? I personally know a woman diagnosed with Bipolar and she has sought out Chiropractic support and is doing great overall, with the exception of her bad habits that she has illustrated for more than 20 years. On the other hand, I know another bipolar patient that had no Chiropractic services and she is a woman you want to stay clear of. She called me 18 times per day, threatened to commit suicide, and drove me absolutely nuts. I am still in recovery. Personally, I went to psychologist, psychiatrists, therapists and doctors complaining of symptoms that they thought were linked to mental illness. After visiting a Chiropractor, the symptoms decreased and I was able to cope. Now, I am not promoting anything here, but to understand the mind you must consider the spine, central nervous system, brain and many other factors before coming to any conclusions. Some counselors will diagnose you as soon as you walk in the door; this is a bad deal since many often play against a life in order to find an answer. Once the professional sees that there diagnose is off balance, they often move onto another diagnose and unfortunately this goes on and on, and too many times patients suffer at great lengths as a result.
Timothy Kendrick is a Retired Army Combat Veteran who served in Panama, Somalia, Operation Iraqi Freedom and various other wonderful places in the world. Timothy works with Veterans, Athletes, and Entertainers all over the world helping them to overcome their own personal challenges while rebuilding their lives. He is the author of 7 books and over 1100 articles on PTSD Bipolar, Depression and Self Empowerment.
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Everyone deals with stress on a daily basis. From the moment we wake up in the morning, to the moment we fall asleep, there are stressful situations all around us: morning traffic, annoying co-workers, overload at work, family problems, rebellious children, bank statements, deflating checking accounts, and on and on. With the shape the economy is in, there seems to be added stress to almost everyone’s lives these days. Wouldn’t it be great if someone would just figure out a way to block out all stress from our lives? Can you imagine a picture perfect say where you didn’t have a care in the world?...a day where the muscles in your shoulders weren’t tight and sore...where you didn’t constantly feel a headache building up at the outskirts of your skull. Well believe it or not, with a little training and practice, you can learn to live like this. The term “don’t sweat the small stuff” has been terribly abused over the years, but it IS good advice to consider. People tend to let the small things pile up on them until they are drowning in hundreds of small stressful things. If we can simply learn to not get irritated by every little thing that doesn’t please us 100% our lives would be so much easier. And that’s just one thing we can do to de-stress our lives. Some people are so desperate to unwind and drop the stress from their lives that they hire expensive counsellors and experts to help them “find happiness” or “find peace” in their lives. Hey, if you want to go that New Age route and drop a lot of cash, feel free. But there IS another way. If you are sick and tired of being stressed out about every single thing on a daily basis, you should check out some of the products on this page. While they won’t reveal a magic switch that will make all stress instantly disappear, they WILL teach you some very valuable and basic principles that ANYONE can understand. If you’re ready for LESS STRESS in your life, check out these products today! |
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Veterans’ Suicide Try an Ominous Warning Sign
Veterans’ Suicide Try an Ominous Warning Sign
By Rick Nauert PhD Senior News Editor
Reviewed by John M. Grohol, Psy.D.
Reviewed by John M. Grohol, Psy.D.
The transition back into civilian life is difficult after weathering the stresses of military life and the terrors of combat. Some soldiers find themselves overwhelmed by the transition. Many have already survived one suicide attempt, but never get the extra help and support they needed, with tragic results.
Researchers discovered veterans who have attempted suicide not only have an elevated risk of further suicide attempts, but face mortality risks from all causes at a rate three times greater than the general population.
The study is the largest follow-up of suicide attempters in any group in the U.S., and is unique even among the relatively few studies on veteran suicide.
Douglas J. Wiebe, Ph.D., and fellow researchers studied the records of 10,163 veterans treated for a suicide attempt between 1993-1998. They discovered 1,836 died during the follow-up period through 2002, with heart disease, cancer, accidents, and suicide accounting for over 57 percent of those deaths.
Suicide, however, was the second-leading cause of death among the male veterans, and the leading cause among females, accounting for just over 13 percent of all the deaths in the study cohort.
In comparison, suicide accounted for only 1.8 percent of deaths in the general U.S. population during those years.
Researchers found that the so-called “healthy soldier effect” — that military personnel should be healthier than an average person of the same sex and age because they have passed military fitness requirements — does not protect veterans from death from chronic disease, and does not appear to mitigate their risk of suicide.
“The ‘healthy soldier effect’ is no reason to think that veterans should be more emotionally and mentally resilient than anyone else,” said Wiebe.
“The consequences of military service can include both physical and emotional health challenges that veterans continue to face long after their ‘war’ is no longer on the front page.”
The current study strongly emphasizes the increased need for more intensive and vigorous efforts to identify and support veterans who are at risk, especially those who have already actually attempted suicide, the authors said.
With military personnel now facing combat in numbers not seen since the Vietnam War, developing better strategies for suicide prevention is more important than ever.
“Almost all of today’s soldiers are seeing combat and repeated tours, so that could be a reason to be even more concerned about veteran populations in the years moving forward,” Wiebe says.
Wiebe believes policymakers and society in general need to be informed on this problem, but he is hopeful that examples of successful suicide prevention programs, particularly one conducted by the U.S. Air Force, could provide an inspiration and foundation for new efforts.
“A major part of the success of that program was just changing the climate around how people think and talk about suicide,” he says. “There’s evidence out there to suggest that could work among veterans too. The time to get started is now.”
Source: University of Pennsylvania
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Martin Scorsese voices his support of Transcendental Meditation and DLF
In December 2010 the David Lynch Foundation held a benefit gala to raise funds to bring Transcendental Meditation to at-risk youth, veterans suffering with PTSD, and the homeless. This video was made by Martin Scorsese and was played at the event. In it, the legendary director offers his encouragement to David and his initiative to bring Transcendental Meditation to “anyone who needs it.” Scorsese goes on to say that he knows the common response is often to “tough it out” or “suffer.” Since starting Transcendental Meditation himself he has realized that that “may not be the way it’s supposed to be.” Learn More Click Here!
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How Can I Solve My Problem? The answer is "information" ... ... and the information is here!
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Multiple Personality Disorder and Post-traumatic Stress
PTSD And Fast Phobia Relief Self-Help Audio Program
Multiple Personality Disorder and Post-traumatic Stress Disorders are often linked, since patients with MPD are severely abused survivors in all cases as a rule. Multiple Personality Disorders often have symptoms, including distinct personalities, including different genders, or ages, multiple signatures, different IQs, personality types, amnesia, voices within the head, frequent nightmares, the us of we when referring to self, outer body experiences and so forth. The patients are often left alone in the world since rarely does the researchers, experts, philosophers and so on have enough information put together to understand this diagnoses.
As a survivor of both Multiple Personality and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, I can tell you in most cases do you ever hear the truth in full about multiple personality disorders. The distance between Multiple Personality Disorders and other common disorders is that MPD patients will fight against lying, strive for accuracy, and enforce precision. As a rule most female patients are rarely violent, however there has been known cases of male patients that were sent to prison for rape, robbery, and other crimes. The fact is the patient was merely acting on a “Projection” and “Interjection” that was sent to him by another alter. In other words, the patient is reliving a horrific moment that probably including rape, robbery or other crimes, and acted out on his visual actions. This means that the patient was thinking that he was fighting, or retaliating or reenacting what the perpetrator did to him. I am not writing many details about Multiple Personality Disorder since I have an upcoming book going on the market. Any information about Multiple Personality Disorder will be provided in great details in my book, I am afraid to close my eyes, when I open them, I might not be me…the Black Demon.
Multiple Personality Disorder is a REAL disorder without fictional characters, as many believe. The personalities, including child alters, adult, teen, elderly, are all sub parts of an actually human being that was traumatized beyond a persons ability to cope with trauma. Multiple Personality patients often suffer anorexia and bulimia; they may also suffer from sleeping disorders and discomforts. Some of the personalities are stronger than others, and most all multiple personality survivors are artistic and highly creative.
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Multiple Personality patients are also extremely intelligent. This diagnosis takes years to relieve, and most therapists will avoid diagnosing a patient even if he or she has two or all of the symptoms of multiple personality disorder. Multiple personality patients also have difficulty with medical treatment, since the blood rates raise and lower, MRI can find seizures one day and nothing the next, respiratory rates often flounder, and some alters may even be blind. The person often goes through life with this disorder, and when they reach a certain age, shattering beyond coping begins. This is when Integration needs to take place. Integration is the processing of sending the alters to an area of the mind for permanent stay. Once the Integration process is completed, most MPD patients are lost in the world. After living an entire life with ‘families’ within, and then all of sudden coming into a corrupted system all alone with little support, is it any wonder they often hate life after Integration. The people often feel a sense of loss when Integrated, since the only family they knew and loved is now sitting comfortable in the chambers of their mind, while they have to deal with all the lying, stealing, controversies, work, and other life stressors alone. The personalities once Integrated can still communicate with the patient, however it is never the same.
Most MPD patients also have post-traumatic stress disorders, since trauma from early childhood and throughout their lives is the ONLY reason MPD develops in the first place. There has been many arguments on this controversial disorder, but the fact is, it is real and we must face the truth of its diagnose. The many controversies that has swept the market is often linked to criminals that used this diagnose as an excuse to get away with crime. Had the system been informed and accepted MPD as a real disorder, they wouldn’t have been so naïve as to believe just anyone claiming to have Multiple Personality Disorder, and would have stopped the defendant at the front door.
Just remember not to make your biography your biology. In other words work through these challenges or they will manifest themselves in various physical illnesses that will kill you. STAY IN THE NOW.
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