I get many questions about HGH, Some PTSD sufferers say it has helped them

Human Growth Hormone FAQs

What is HGH?

HGH stands for Human Growth Hormone. Human Growth Hormone is the naturally occurring substance from the human pituitary gland that plays a key role in young, active function of body, brain and sex organs.

Levels of Human Growth Hormone decrease as we age. By middle age and beyond, HGH levels have plummeted to a tiny fraction of their youthful levels -- and science shows that there is a direct correlation between lost HGH and the typical signs of aging, such as weight gain, loss of interest in sex, sagging skin and muscles, wrinkled skin that lacks good tone and texture, flagging memory.

HGH supplementation has been shown to:

  • Decrease fat, while increasing lean muscle
  • Improve the look and feel of your skin
  • Increase bone density, and even reverse osteoporosis
  • Power up the brain, and maintain memory even during aging
  • Boost the sex drive
  • Tone and improve overall physical and mental well being
  • Contribute to better sleep
  • Improve mood, and banish depression and fatigue

How do I know HGH releaser products are safe?

Choose carefully to get the highest quality products from the options in this genuinely beneficial category. Go with a product from a company that has a good reputation, such as GenF20™ HGH -- this one attests to its safety and reliability. There are neither side effects nor known drug interactions with GenF20™ HGH. This product is manufactured in GMP certified laboratories, that is, pharmaceutical quality labs of the highest standards. These are the kinds of safety checks to look for. Ask your doctor if you have specific concerns.

Some claims I've seen say you must have HGH by injection for it to work. If that's true, how can tablets be effective?

Originally, HGH products were only available in very expensive injections of HGH derived from donors' pituitary glands post mortem. The HGH molecule, it was discovered, could not absorb into the bloodstream by other methods because it is too large to pass through the walls of the digestive system. However, new techniques have created the tablet supplement that uses a formula to trigger and stimulate the pituitary gland to produce and secrete more HGH itself. The HGH goes into your body just as nature intended, in other words, through the glandular system -- just as it did when you were in your 20s!

What side effects are there?

There are no known side effects with HGH releasers. Many studies have been conducted in all age groups, and no ill effects whatsoever have been reported. Just make sure the product you purchase is produced in a GMP certified laboratory.

How long can I take HGH?

Initially, it's recommended that you take the product for about 6 months to bring your body's HGH production levels up. At this time, you may wish to take a "pause" of up to 1 year, while you continue to enjoy the benefits of increased HGH. Your body's new HGH production levels won't drop dramatically during this time. Then you can repeat the process to enhance HGH production in the long term. If you are having trouble finding a product that outlines these specifications, we recommend GenF20™ as a product you can't go wrong with.

How quickly do HGH releasers work? How fast will I look and feel better?

You should plan to stay on the HGH supplement for at least 3 months when you begin your program. Results vary depending on your existing level of HGH when you begin, so for instance, people who have very low levels of HGH have more immediate results. Most people, regardless of current HGH level, report feeling better, sleeping better and having more energy right away, with improvement in appearance and muscle tone and other benefits generally becoming more pronounced over the first couple months.

Is HGH just for older adults?

Because the lowest levels of HGH are found in older populations, they'll experience results most quickly. However, because HGH effects so many systems and organs, it has benefits for adults of any age.

I heard HGH was a very expensive treatment to obtain. Why are HGH tablets so affordable?

Advances in the engineering of amino acids that comprise this product mean the costs are only a small fraction of what HGH injections would cost. Originally, HGH injections could run as much as $15,000! Now you can obtain quality HGH supplementation affordably thanks to new scientific breakthroughs in understanding HGH and manufacturing effective releasers of HGH. We recommend GenF20™ HGH as the best value around.

Is it possible to take too much of this product?

As with all supplements or drugs, you should stay within the guidelines established for you by the research community and pharmaceutical manufacturer. Follow the instructions as they appear on the label or product insert, as increasing the dosage usually results in product wastage.

How can I obtain these products and maintain my privacy?

Ordering online is a great way to discreetly get the product you want. Read the site carefully to find out how the manufacturer ships; if they don't already ship in plain packaging that doesn't reveal the contents, you may be able to request the service.

How about a guarantee?

You should insist on a guarantee, and make sure to read the fine print. Although all reputable companies offer them, not all companies that have them are reputable... Take extra time to read how the guarantee works, some products require a one year supply to be eligible for a refund, so shop carefully! If you have trouble finding a product you trust on your own, we recommend GenF20™, as it features a straight forward guarantee that you can have confidence in.

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Why These 6 Happiness ‘Boosters’ Might Actually Make You Feel Worse

By Gretchen Rubin

Why These 6 Happiness Boosters Might Actually Make You Feel Worse. Everyone has a few tricks for beating the blues. It turns out, however, that several of the most popular strategies don’t actually work very well in the long term. Beware if you are tempted to try any of the following:

1. Comforting yourself with a “treat.”

Often, the things we choose as “treats” aren’t good for us. The pleasure lasts a minute, but then feelings of guilt, loss of control, and other negative consequences just deepen the lousiness of the day. So when you find yourself thinking, “I’ll feel better after I have a pint of ice cream… a cigarette… a new pair of jeans,” ask yourself — will it really make you feel better? It might make you feel worse. In particular, beware of…

2. Letting yourself off the hook.

I’ve found that I sometimes get a real happiness boost from giving something up, quitting something, or breaking a bad habit. When you’re feeling down, you might be tempted to let yourself off the hook, to think, “I’ll allow myself to skip my run today, I need a break.” In fact, sticking to a resolution will boost your sense of self-esteem and self-control. So not letting yourself off the hook might do more to boost your happiness. I often let myself off the hook by being very messy — “I’m too agitated to deal with putting these papers away now” — but then the disorder just makes me feel more overwhelmed and anxious.

3. Turning off your phone.

Studies show that extroverts and introverts alike get a mood boost from connecting with other people. Although it can be tempting to isolate yourself when you’re feeling unhappy, you’re better off making plans with friends or family.

4. Venting your negative emotions.

Many people believe in the “catharsis hypothesis” and think that expressing anger is healthy-minded and relieves their feelings. Not so. Studies show that expressing anger aggressively only aggravates it; as Plutarch observed, “Anger, while in its beginning, often can be ended by silence, or neglect.” I’ve certainly found this to be true; once I get going, I can whip myself into a fury. It’s better to behave calmly.

5. Staying in your pajamas all day.

One of the most helpful things I’ve learned in my happiness research is that although we think that we act because of the way we feel, in fact, we often feel because of the way we act. As improbable as this sounds, it really works. Sometimes it can be fun to hang out in your sweats all day, but if you’re feeling lethargic, powerless, or directionless, not getting dressed is going to make you feel worse. Put on your clothes — including your shoes — so you feel prepared for whatever the day might offer. While you’re at it, make your bed.

6. Having a drink.

Alcohol affects people differently, and even if you don’t have a drinking problem, alcohol can still be a drag on your happiness. Speaking for myself, alcohol is not a happiness-booster. I more or less gave up drinking because I realized that even just one glass of wine or a beer made me feel belligerent and indiscreet — and then desperately sleepy. Don’t assume that a drink will help you unwind, or feel more convivial — it sure doesn’t have that effect on me.

Have you ever tried to cheer yourself up using a strategy that just made you feel worse, in the end? Or what are more effective ways to beat the blues?
* * *

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my love for little things (both literal and figurative, a la St. Therese of Lisieux), and so was particularly interested when a thoughtful reader sent me this lovely video — Carrie Rebora Barratt of the Metropolitan Museum talking about her passion for “Small Things.”

Sign up for the Moment of Happiness, and every weekday morning, you’ll get a happiness quotation in your email inbox. Sign up here, or email me at gretchenrubin1 at gmail dot com.

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The Drug Metyrapone to Erase Bad Memories?

By Rick Nauert PhD Senior News Editor
Reviewed by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on May 27, 2011
The Drug Metyrapone to Erase Bad Memories?University of Montreal researchers say that the drug metyrapone reduces the brain’s ability to re-record the negative emotions associated with painful memories. In other words, bad memories are effectively blocked from being recalled or remembered.
The team’s study challenges the theory that memories cannot be modified once they are stored in the brain.
“Metyrapone is a drug that significantly decreases the levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that is involved in memory recall,” explained lead author Marie-France Marin, a doctoral student.
Manipulating cortisol close to the time of forming new memories can decrease the negative emotions that may be associated with them, the researchers said.
“The results show that when we decrease stress hormone levels at the time of recall of a negative event, we can impair the memory for this negative event with a long-lasting effect,” said Sonia Lupien, Ph.D., who directed the research.
Thirty-three men participated in the study, which involved learning a story composed of neutral and negative events.
Three days later, they were divided into three groups – participants in the first group received a single dose of metyrapone and a second group received a double dose. The third group received a placebo.
Group participants were then asked to remember the story. Then, in fours days after the medication had cleared from the body, individual memory performance was reevaluated.
“We found that the men in the group who received two doses of metyrapone were impaired when retrieving the negative events of the story, while they showed no impairment recalling the neutral parts of the story,” Marin said.
“We were surprised that the decreased memory of negative information was still present once cortisol levels had returned to normal.”
The research offers hope to people suffering from syndromes such as post-traumatic stress disorder.
“Our findings may help people deal with traumatic events by offering them the opportunity to ‘write-over’ the emotional part of their memories during therapy,” Marin said. One major hurdle, however, is the fact that metyrapone is no longer commercially produced.
Despite the inavailabilty of the medication, the proof in concept may spur future clinical studies.
“Other drugs also decrease cortisol levels, and further studies with these compounds will enable us to gain a better understanding of the brain mechanisms involved in the modulation of negative memories.”
Source: University of Montreal

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Timothy Kendrick

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Author Timothy Kendrick


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