How To Get Mental Health Care Right For Today's Veterans


Charles R. Marmar, M.D.

Observations of combat-related stress disorders appear as early as the writings of Homer in descriptions of returning Trojan war veterans. During the Civil War, PTSD was characterized as soldier's heart, in World War I it was shell shock, in World War II it was battle fatigue and during the Vietnam War it was Vietnam Syndrome. With the 1980 inclusion of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in the "American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual," PTSD has been officially designated as one of the anxiety disorders. Key features of PTSD include re-experiencing painful memories, numbing of positive feelings, avoiding reminders and being alert and on guard, even in safe situations.
The lifetime risk for PTSD in the general American population has been estimated to be 7.8 percent (1). The best estimate of the rates of PTSD in combat has been derived from the National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Study (NVVRS) (2,3). The NVVRS found that 20 percent of those who served in the Vietnam War developed deployment-related PTSD, with those suffering from PTSD having increased rates of depression, alcohol and drug abuse, family adjustment problems and interpersonal violence. Children of Vietnam veterans with PTSD had higher levels of behavioral and emotional problems. Greater combat exposure, including multiple tours of duty and greater exposure to personal life threat and killing predicted greater risk of combat related PTSD.
The U.S. invaded Afghanistan on October 7, 2001 and Iraq on March 20, 2003. To date, more than 1.6 million men and women have served in Afghanistan and Iraq. Milliken and colleagues (4) conducted a longitudinal study of 88,235 soldiers returning from Iraq. Screening was conducted immediately following return from the warzone and again three to six months later. Based on combined screening, 20.3 percent of active-duty and 42.4 percent of reservists screened positive for mental health disorders. Seal and colleagues (5,6) reported on the growing burden of mental disorders, including trends and risk factors for mental health diagnosis in new users of Veteran Affairs health care. Between April 2002 and March 2008, data was reported on 289,328 Iraq and Afghanistan veterans using VA healthcare for the first time; 36.9 percent received one or more mental health diagnoses; 21.8 percent received a diagnosis of PTSD; 17.4 percent a diagnosis of depression, 7 percent for alcohol use disorder and 3 percent for substance abuse disorder. Those with PTSD and depression had elevated cardiac risk, including higher blood pressure, elevated cholesterol and adult-onset diabetes.
Despite the lessons learned from Vietnam, engaging OEF and OIF veterans in mental health care remains a challenge. Young men and women returning from Afghanistan and Iraq service with warzone-related PTSD and other related mental health problems struggle to confront these problems and reach out for mental health services. They have busy lives, concerns about childcare, financial pressures, concerns about an adverse impact on their military or civilian careers from being labeled with PTSD, and perceptions of being weak in a culture critical of vulnerability and prone to shaming mental illness. Practical concerns regarding access to care, transportation, and childcare also constitute obstacles to receiving much needed mental health services.
DOD and VA have adopted a number of innovative strategies to overcome the obstacles to care. Integrated, co-located care where mental health services are provided inside primary care is one approach, with a well-established evidence base for the successful treatment of depression in civilians in co-located mental health primary care clinics (7). Efforts are being made to de-stigmatize mental health services by reframing them as stress management training for combat operational stress, rather than psychiatric treatment for mental disorders. In an effort to address geographic barriers to care and stigma, innovations are being made to bring care to veterans utilizing internet and telephone care as an alternative to traditional clinic visits. Motivational interviewing techniques are used to directly address the stigma concerns. By employing these novel strategies, the hope is to reduce the risk of delayed treatment seeking, which will inevitably result in higher rates of depression, alcohol and drug use, interpersonal violence, physical health problems and occupational disability.
The past two decades have seen rapid advances in evidence-based treatment for both combat and civilian PTSD. Among the psychotherapies, those with greatest empirical support are cognitive behavioral therapy that emphasizes vividly re-imagining the traumatic events in the safety of the relationship with the therapist, confronting reminders of the events in everyday life and correcting irrational beliefs related to traumatic exposure. There is preliminary support for the use of marital and family therapy. A recent review of medication studies for PTSD (8) reported 35 randomized control trials, with clinical improvement occurring in 59.1 percent of those in the active pharmacological treatment conditions, versus 38.5 percent receiving placebo. Antidepressant medications, including drugs such as Zoloft and Paxil, are effective for both PTSD and associated depression, and may be helpful for pain. Other helpful medications for combatting PTSD include trazodone for insomnia, prazosin for nightmares, mood stabilizing drugs for anger outbursts and naltrexone and topiramate for alcohol abuse (9).

1. Kessler RC, Sonnega A, Bromet E, Hughes M, Nelson CB. 1995. Posttraumatic stress disorder in the National Comorbidity Survey. Arch Gen Psychiatry 52:1048-1060.
2. Schlenger WE, Kulka RA, Fairbank JA, Hough RL, Jordan BK, Marmar CR, Weiss DS. 1992. The prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder in the Vietnam generation: A multimethod, multisource assessment of psychiatric disorder. J Trauma Stress 5:333-363.
3. Jordan BK, Schlenger WE, Hough R, Kulka RA, Weiss D, Fairbank JA, Marmar CR. 1991. Lifetime and current prevalence of specific psychiatric disorders among Vietnam veterans and controls. Arch Gen Psychiatry 48:207-215.
4. Milliken CS, Auchterlonie JL, Hoge CW. 2007. Longitudinal assessment of mental health problems among active and reserve component soldiers returning from the Iraq war. JAMA 298:2141-2148.
5. Seal KH, Bertenthal D, Miner CR, Sen S, Marmar C. 2007. Bringing the war back home: mental health disorders among 103,788 US veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan seen at Department of Veterans Affairs facilities. Arch Intern Med 167:476-482.
6. Seal KH, Metzler TJ, Gima KS, Bertenthal D, Maguen S, Marmar CR. In press. Increasing prevalence of mental disorders among Iraq and Afghanistan veterans: trends and risk factors for mental health diagnoses in new users of VA healthcare, 2002-2008. Am J Public Health..
7. Gilbody S, Bower P, Fletcher J, Richards D, Sutton AJ. 2006. Collaborative care for depression: a cumulative meta-analysis and review of longer-term outcomes. Arch Intern Med 166:2314-2321.
8. Stein DJ, Ipser JC, Seedat S. 2006. Pharmacotherapy for post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Cochrane Database Syst Rev 1:CD002795.
9. Berger W, Mendlowicz MV, Margues-Portella C, Kinrys G, Fontenelle LF, Marmar CR, Figueira I. 2009. Pharmacologic alternatives to antidepressants in posttraumatic stress disorder: A systematic review. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 33:169-180.

How Can I Solve My Problem? The answer is "information" ... ... and the information is here!

Alcohol and Drug Abuse in Mental Health

Alcohol abuse is overrated, while drug abuse is underrated. The DSM manual suggests there are differences in the definition of drug and alcohol use. To confuse matters worse the law has its own version of who is an alcoholic or drug addict. Some of the symptoms that help professionals determine if alcohol and drugs are a problem include, excessive drinking/drugging, problems with the law, withdrawal symptoms, shaking of the hands, and so forth. If a person drinks everyday of the week and relies on alcohol, then you are probably dealing with an alcoholic. There are philosophers who claim if a person needs a drink at breakfast, that he or she is an alcoholic. Some philosophers claim that if you drink more than a six-pack in a week then you are an alcoholic. The fact is, most of the people nagging or evaluating alcohol and drugs have a problem them self or have gotten help somewhere in their lifetime to treat their own problems.     
First all, any chemical that causes harm is a potential danger to your being. In other words if you start out drinking when you are fourteen and continue through your lifetime without alcohol causing you trouble, or else landing you a spot in jail, then you are probably not an alcoholic according to a few. The fact is the ones that are drinking and driving and getting caught are alcoholics according to the system although the level of alcohol in the blood plays a role in the determination.
The truth is the law sometimes over dramatizes and the system is out to make all the money they can, so we all might be alcoholics by the time they are done with us. Alcoholism and drug addictions are complex, in the sense there are too many misconstrued inputs and often the label is placed on individuals according to culture and history. If your parents drank alcohol then the system sometimes will claim you as an alcoholic.
The fact is, Jesus drank wine in moderation, so drinking in moderation is not a bad thing. The problem becomes a problem when the person has difficulty putting down the bottle and/or increases their intake as well as combining drugs with the alcohol to get a desired effect.  If someone will steal or lie to get alcohol or drugs then you know they have a real problem. However, most alcoholics and drug addicts have bigger problems than addictions and this is often ignored. For example, people with mental illnesses often resort to alcohol and/or drugs to find relief of their symptoms. Now if a professional is treating this person for his or her diagnosis and progress is moving along the person often feels healthy and the alcohol and drugs are out the door. 
In my studies and opinions, I disagree with alcoholism and drug addictions if the person is able to stop once the mental illness is treated. This means that the person was suffering and the substances was a mechanism to help them cope. On the other hand, if the person is treated for mental illnesses and his or her drug and alcohol habits continue, then I think you had better get out the chair and start talking ‘one day at a time.’ Alcohol was once known as the “Devils Drink.” The White men are the originators of the source, and since its beginning it has caused serious complications, including death, abuse, and other related crimes. Drugs are optional since the system often makes them available by teaching individuals what the drugs contain. The root of all-evil is the love of money, and if a person sees that he or she can gain, they may take advantage, but fall into a snare in between.
The solution to humankind’s problem is helping and not hurting.

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If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self....

Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power....

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Learn to take control of yourself

Take control of your total self....

The mind is everything....

The moment you permit your mind to dwell with dissatisfaction upon things as they are, you begin to lose ground....

Bringing happiness to others often leads towards your own enjoyment....

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How Can I Solve My Problem? The answer is "information" ... ... and the information is here!

Understanding PTSD

Understanding PTSD
Have you, or someone you
  • Been through combat?
  • Lived through a disaster?
  • Experienced any other kind of traumatic event?
readUnderstanding PTSD (PDF)
Includes full color photos, real stories, and more.
VeteranWhat is PTSD? This interactive module will help you learn about common reactions to trauma, hear real stories of those who have dealt with PTSD, and how to get help.

Other Information on PTSD

After a trauma or life-threatening event, it is common to have reactions such as upsetting memories of the event, increased jumpiness, or trouble sleeping. If these reactions do not go away or if they get worse, you may have Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

How Can I Solve My Problem? The answer is "information" ... ... and the information is here!

Rich Mind Life Strategy

Timothy Kendrick

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Author Timothy Kendrick


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