The U.S. Marine Corps has stepped up the fight against P.T.S.D. and traumatic brain injury.

The U.S. Marine Corps has stepped up the fight against P.T.S.D. and traumatic brain injury.

A tough transition that's left more troops than ever before with P.T.S.D. or post-traumatic-stress disorder and other health issues that effect society, troops, and their families.

"The biggest problem that we as wives run into is that nobody seems to talk to us about what's going to happen with our husbands when they come back from deployment," said wife Laurie Giertz.

That's changing for military families says commanders at the 2nd Annual Marine Corps Combat Stress Conference in San Diego.

"I do see changes, because the Marine Corps has made great efforts to implement programs, groups for Marines to attend, where there is less stigma. They are coming forward, they are seeking help," said retired Marine Dorothy Gordon

Help in a hands on way.

There's military one source - a 24/7 hotline and this flip pocket P.T.S.D. guide for military commanders.

And a "coming home comic book" for troops and their families.

Plus the Marines have even embraced an alternative approach with free yoga, mediation classes.

"I provide yoga, meditation, breathing techniques, relaxation techniques, mixed martial arts for T.B.I. and P.T.S.D." said alternative health instructor Andrea Lucie.

"I think we're seeing a change in the Marines," said combat stress control coordinator Dr. Tom Gaskin.

The word is getting out.

"Officers and enlisted stand up and say, 'you know, c'mon, I know a lot of my fellow Marines who have been injured by stress, and no kidding they were good Marines and they deserve better than this. If we had nipped this in the bud with them a long time ago, they'd be functioning better now. Let's take care of you guys now," said Gaskin.

Take care of your troops and you take care of everyone else.

"It's to our benefit to nip this in the bud because it keeps our marines ready to fight, and our families healthy and returns them as good citizens in the long run," said Gaskin.

The Marines now refer to P.T.S.D as a mental *injury* instead of a disorder in hopes of taking away the stigma -- so more troops will get help.

Timothy Kendrick Retrain Your Brain

Burn The Boats !!!

Burn The Boats
Current mood: triumphant
Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

In 1519, Capitan Hernando Cortes and a small army left the Spanish held island of Cuba and set out on one of the greatest conquests in the history of the world. Cortes was going to accomplish his goals no matter the consequences. He put to death some of those who opposed him, got himself appointed Capitan-General in order to get out from under Diego Velazquez's authority, and even destroyed his fleet in an attempt to motivate his men to adapt to his at-all-costs attitude.

Are you willing to

1. Be a person of action

2. Persist without exception

3. Make it a rule for yourself that you are not going to mentally embrace any negative thing that has happened to you up to this very minute.


The past is the past. Release it and live with a forgiving spirit.

PTSD: Finding Your Own Way. Special e-book Edit for Veterans

This ebook is only $5.
Written by a combat veteran who had to think outside the box to survive.
Timothy Kendrick's Solutions may seem at first unorthodox but all veterans agreed on one thing.
This book helped them achieve their desired results

Click here to get it immediatly

The Golden Key


I'm Brent Webb, Author of The Golden Key!

When I first heard about the Law of Attraction I was thrilled!  I couldn't wait to begin attracting all of my DESIRES.  Unfortunately that didn't happen so easily.  I tried and tried, but I had minimal success.  So I began researching, studying, and practicing many concepts until I finally found a system that actually worked.  I developed a four point system, "The Golden Key," that completely changed my life.  I would now like to pass my success on to you. 

Introducing-  The Golden Key E-Book

The Golden Key
Learn to Master the Law of Attraction!

Why is it Important to be Magnetic


Why is it important to be Magnetic?

When I am focused upon serving or assisting people I am very magnetic.
Why is it important to be Magnetic?

Because anything I accomplish is the direct or indirect result of someone else's help. Always has been always will be.

Sounds odd, I know. 

These past weeks I have found this to be true on more than one occasion.

I have been blessed to have many great teachers in my life.  Some you may have heard of and many (you reading this may even have taught me something) you may never know.

Recently my life has become a whirlwind of activity.
Many times it seems emotionally more than I can handle. 

This is when I get on the phone to my publicist Linda Marie.

I speak in sound bites, short and too the point.  Forgetting that she may have challenges and things she needs to share.  My mind races and I forget that listening is the great art of any business relationship.
She wrote a blog that got my attention.  It is about what I preach and recently found myself not practicing, basically chunking big projects down.

Here is the blog.  I swear she wrote it for me (lol)

There are so many people looking for ways to put their plans into action. They know what they want; they just don't know how to start. I know you have heard a million times just start but it doesn't seem to help anything. I have a one, two, three, approach to my daily life.

1. I start each day with me. What do I need to do today to take care of my needs? I found that if I dress as if I am going to be in public even if I am not I connect with people on a more professional level. I have to feel good about me in order to send the right message to those people I am working with.

2. I have a system of time management I stick with everyday. It is my 1. 2. 3. File, all ones get 15 mins and that is it. I have 15 mins for that task and it is done. Two's are the projects which are going to at up to an hour and they are in a file that I work on three times a week, but I can only do two of them on a day I am working with that file. My threes are in a file of things which are going to take some time to complete and I work on them twice a week. I give myself either the morning or the afternoon to work that file and keep the project in the file until it is finished.

3. The rest of the time I spend doing marketing and talking with people on the phone or online. I set a goal for the day as to how many new contacts I want to make for that day and I don't stop until I have made them.

That is what has worked for me.

Love, hope & faith.

Linda Marie

Linda is a Certified Hypnotherapist with a dozen websites and several other clients.
One of my favorites is her Small Business Therapy site She is also the Owner of Majik Mirror Productions

So today I am "chunking down" my projects because I discovered my lack of enthusiasm about certain projects is my soul’s way of directing me to another path.

To offer no resistance to life is to be in a state of grace ease and lightness. By "chunking down" my projects, books, blogs etc. I am no longer overwhelmed.

The most important thing I can remember today is this,

Every step I take toward a goal, no matter how big or small pays a dividend.

Most importantly is that I help others with the gifts and blessings that have been bestowed upon me

Giving is living and what you give you get to keep.

So being Magnetic and giving is a reaction to the Law of Attraction

Our New Keys to be Magnetic (if we choose)

1. Success means successful living.  More info here

2. When you are peaceful joyous and happy and doing what you love to do you are successful.

3. Your thoughts fused with feeling becomes a belief and according to your belief you will be magnetic drawing to yourself the people and tools you need at that moment to achieve your major definite purpose.

4. Repeat the word “success” frequently to yourself daily with feeling and emotion.

5.  When you give, if you complain about giving it stops the flow of your magnetic attraction

To be truly Magnetic a successful man is not selfish his main desire in life is to serve humanity.

Peace be with you

Timothy Kendrick

Join Me On The Site Your Other Self

Retrain Your Brain with Timothy Kendrick

free e-book Manifest a Miracle Click here

Army: soldier suicide rate may set record again


Print Story: Army:

send me your email and I will send you my ebook on PTSD finding your own way

soldier suicide rate may set record again on Yahoo! News

PTSD: Finding Your Own Way. Special e-book Edit for Veterans by Timothy Kendrick (Book) in Self-Improvement

Written by a combat veteran who had to think outside the box to survive. Timothy Kendrick's Solutions may seem at first unorthodox but all veterans agreed on one thing. This book helped them achieve their desired results.

PTSD: Finding Your Own Way. Special e-book Edit for Veterans by Timothy Kendrick (Book) in Self-Improvement

NMHA-Anxiety Disorders - Anxiety Disorders (General)


NMHA-Anxiety Disorders - Anxiety Disorders (General)


Anxiety Disorders

Most people experience feelings of anxiety before an important event such as a big exam, business presentation or first date. Anxiety disorders, however, are illnesses that cause people to feel frightened, distressed and uneasy for no apparent reason. Left untreated, these disorders can dramatically reduce productivity and significantly diminish an individual's quality of life.

How Common Are Anxiety Disorders?

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in America; more than 19 million are affected by these debilitating illnesses each year.

Anxiety disorders cost the U.S. $46.6 billion in 1990 in direct and indirect costs, nearly one-third of the nation's total mental health bill of $148 billion.

What Are the Different Kinds of Anxiety Disorders?

Panic Disorder-Characterized by panic attacks, sudden feelings of terror that strike repeatedly and without warning. Physical symptoms include chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, abdominal discomfort, feelings of unreality, and fear of dying.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder-Repeated, intrusive and unwanted thoughts or rituals that seem impossible to control.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder-Persistent symptoms that occur after experiencing a traumatic event such as war, rape, child abuse, natural disasters, or being taken hostage. Nightmares, flashbacks, numbing of emotions, depression, and feeling angry, irritable, distracted and being easily startled are common.

Social Phobia-Extreme, disabling and irrational fear of something that really poses little or no actual danger; the fear leads to avoidance of objects or situations and can cause people to limit their lives.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder-Chronic, exaggerated worry about everyday routine life events and activities, lasting at least six months; almost always anticipating the worst even though there is little reason to expect it. Accompanied by physical symptoms, such as fatigue, trembling, muscle tension, headache, or nausea.

What Are the Treatments for Anxiety Disorders?

Treatments have been largely developed through research conducted by NIMH and other research institutions. They are extremely effective and often combine medication or specific types of psychotherapy.

More medications are available than ever before to effectively treat anxiety disorders. These include antidepressants or benzodiazepines. If one medication is not effective, others can be tried. New medications are currently under development to treat anxiety symptoms.

The two most effective forms of psychotherapy used to treat anxiety disorders are behavioral therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy. Behavioral therapy tries to change actions through techniques such as diaphragmatic breathing or through gradual exposure to what is frightening. In addition to these techniques, cognitive-behavioral therapy teaches patients to understand their thinking patterns so they can react differently to the situations that cause them anxiety.

Is it Possible for Anxiety Disorders to Coexist with Other Physical or Mental Disorders?

It is common for an anxiety disorder to accompany another anxiety disorder, or in some cases depression, eating disorders or substance abuse. Anxiety disorders can also coexist with physical disorders. In such instances, these disorders will also need to be treated. Before undergoing any treatment, it is important to have a thorough medical exam to rule out other possible causes.

The content of this fact sheet was adapted from material published by the National Institute of Mental Health.

A Message From Dr. Robert Anthony

Most of you may know that I dedicated my first book PTSD: Pathways Through the Secret Door to Dr. Robert Anthony. He was one of many who literally saved my life.

I usually don't talk about other products but when Dr. Anthony endorses something (which is very rare) I take note.

I am always looking for ways to help my fellow brothers and sisters in the military and my clients to change their limiting beliefs.

Here is what Dr. Anthony wrote about the program Quantum Mind Power.

I have been using Brain Wave Entrainment in my personal life and with my clients for many years with excellent results.

Quantum Mind Power (The Morry Method) is by far the best I have ever seen. It does everything they say and more because it has so many features that make the other "mind conditioning" programs obsolete.

If you want overcome mental blocks to success, health and wealth and achieve MEASURABLE success – then this is the program for you. Get it today. You will be delighted with the results if you follow the simple instructions. It not only works, but it is a totally enjoyable experience. You can't ask for more than that!

Dr.Robert Anthony

Quantum Mind Power Click Here!

Rich Mind Life Strategy

Timothy Kendrick

PTSD: Pathways Through the Secret Door

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Author Timothy Kendrick


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