It is important that your environment reinforces your identity!
Take charge of your life, if you don’t there are several people and institutions that will do it for you. Conquer your fears and SET GOALS.
Many people sleep through their life without a definite purpose.
Setting goals plants seeds in your subconscious that will manifest regardless of what you consciously do. When you place goals into your subconscious they move you in the direction you want to go, sometimes effortlessly. Remember it is who you become on the journey.
I have said before that “normal” is a setting on a washing machine. The “normal guy” goes nowhere and does nothing. Leaders are different from the group. You can’t be “normal” and be a leader.
Be different from other people and you will go farther than you ever dreamed. On an average day we spend almost 2 hours talking with someone else. This is roughly 10,000-20,000 words. This seems like a lot. Here is the kicker this is only .05% of the words you speak to yourself on a daily basis.
The words you speak to yourself will create the world that you live in!
As a man thinketh so is he, always think why you CAN do something not why you can’t.